We got an interesting problem. 2 files, a sub folder. Logged in user X
can create and edit files, copy them, delete them, bur can not move
User Y can handle (the same) files as he likes. Logging in with user Y
allows working, with user X moving will be forbidden, well known error
message like "can not be moved, open at target?" a.s.o. Using a CMD-box,
MOVE fails with the message (like) "a device connected to system does
not work".
User X told me in addition, he noticed the same issue at an other
server (name of user X is same both, with maximum admin rights granted)
- but not in general, it happened, and to say, it disappeared.
In fact, user X uses the last client (XpPro), what may be the reason
for such a silly thing? One user may be damaged, but not two users on
two servers in the same way.
Some more info I just remember.
The used machine to log in is a notebook, and it is used to log in to
several serves (yes, with the same users name X). As more often X
changes the place, as longer system start will be, trying to find trees.
No settings were changed.
Do you have any suggestions to solve this wonder?
Markus Erich
9547797's Profile: http://forums.novell.com/member.php?userid=52965
View this thread: http://forums.novell.com/showthread.php?t=372489