Hi all,
Sorry if this isn't in the right forum.
My IT dept will be swapping out my dept's server and has asked us to
clean out old files. Unfortunately it's not as simple as picking a date
and cleaning out files older than that.
I asked for a listing of files includes the file ownership info so I
can get everyone to check their own data. Unfortunately the listing I've
received looks like this....
Files Size Last Update Owner
----------------- ------------- ---------------
COMPED~1.DOC o 237,568 11/16/06 4:49p MBG
POOL_PI.DOC o 55,296 8/29/06 3:49p MKF
FLATBR~2.XLS o 72,582 9/11/08 3:02p MKF
The truncated file names is big deal. I have a lot of non-tech types.
It will be difficult for them to go through the files without the full
So is there a way to get the following out of Netware as a list...
I can delete the extraneous data from the list.
I know that Netware "knows" this info because I can select an
individual file and see all of this.
Any help or direction would be greatly appreciated.
ajl_mo's Profile: http://forums.novell.com/member.php?userid=64304
View this thread: http://forums.novell.com/showthread.php?t=385944