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Asp.Net User
Validation Control based on presence of string value8/14/2003 4:29:48 PM


Greetings all,

I have to build a validation control that is similar to a requiredfield validator with a twist...

Got a DataGrid (for simplicity) with 3 columns, (x number of rows):
1. ProductID (bound straight text)
2. Vendor (template containing dropdown)
3. Model (template containing textbox)

If the ProductID is prefixed with the letters "TP" (eg TP-R-0554), the Vendor can not be a certain value (N/A) and the Model textbox cannot be blank.

How do I get the ProductID into my class to apply the logic? Can I apply this validator to both controls at once or simply use it twice?

This is my first custom control. So please be gentle. ;)

As always, thanks in advance,

Asp.Net User
Re: Validation Control based on presence of string value8/16/2003 1:01:39 PM



I think it would be OK to create a CustomValidator as this is so specific scenario? For CustomValidator you wouldn't need to give specific ControlTovalidate property value if it doesn't suit the logic (but you can of course).

Take a look at this article first as it will give you the idea how ASP.NET Validation works.

Let's get back to the table after that. ;-)


Teemu Keiski
Finland, EU
Asp.Net User
Re: Validation Control based on presence of string value8/26/2003 3:00:58 PM


I've read the article twice, along with some research, and am ready to continue this dicussion.

It appears I have the following two choices (correct me if I am wrong):
1. use CustomValidator and build the logic into the OnServerValidate method setting args.IsValid as appropriate.
2. extend BaseValidator

The question still arises regarding accessing the Product ID, which decides whether or not the Page is valid.

Asp.Net User
Re: Validation Control based on presence of string value8/26/2003 3:37:17 PM


One more thing...

The actions are handled in a button click method...
is it possible to (or recommended) handle the validation here?

So, as I iterate through the DataGrid, if Product ID contains "TP" check for value "N/A" in Vendors dropdown and test for non-null Model TextBox. If vendor is "N/A" or Model is empty, set Page.IsValid to false. ??

Is this a viable solution?

Asp.Net User
Re: Validation Control based on presence of string value9/2/2003 4:29:09 PM


With CustomValidator you can also put the validation on client if you are eager to. But at server-side it is easier (btw: good resource about client things generally :

Otherwise I think it should be OK except that you don't set Page.IsValid but rather event arguments's IsValid property in the method that handles the validation (OnServerValidate).


Teemu Keiski
Finland, EU
Asp.Net User
Re: Validation Control based on presence of string value9/2/2003 7:04:17 PM


Just to reiterate. Is it safe to say the following?
-Building a CustomValidator is the way to go.
-Implement the logic to determine whether or not the page is valid in the OnServerValidate event handler.

I still have a question about accessing values from other columns and controls within the DataGrid(or anywhere for that matter) to be used within my validator. This is the key, as these values are what will ultimately determine the validity of the Page.

I should be able to iterate through all DataGrid rows and columns, and based on the value of one column determine the value(s) of another.

so if ProductID starts with "TP"...Vendor(DropDownList) cannot be "N/A" and Model(TextBox) cannot be empty.

Now I'm even more confused. :)

Thanks for your patience.


Asp.Net User
Re: Validation Control based on presence of string value9/2/2003 8:11:32 PM


You can loop through dataGrid's Items easily.

Dim dgi As DataGridItem
For Each dgi in DataGrid1.Items

which is same as looping through its "rows". For every "row" you can search the controls using dgi.FindControl (in fact it doesn't matter in what column control exists as FindControl will find it) and then check the values and at the end determine the result of validation.

Teemu Keiski
Finland, EU
Asp.Net User
Re: Validation Control based on presence of string value9/3/2003 2:10:25 PM


Something like this:
protected void ServerValidation (object source, ServerValidateEventArgs args)

foreach(DataGridItem myDataGridItem in productsGrid.Items)
// Get Product Id and test whether it starts with "TP"
string productId = myDataGridItem.Cells[1].Text;

// Get Vendor DropDown Data
DropDownList listVendors =(DropDownList) dgItem.FindControl("ddlVendors");
string vendorName = listVendors.SelectedItem.Text;

// Get Model
TextBox txtModelBox = (TextBox) dgItem.FindControl("txtModel");

// Vendor cannot be "N/A" and Model cannot be empty
if(vendorName.Equals("N/A") || txtModelBox.Text == "" || txtModelBox.Text == null)
args.IsValid = false;
args.IsValid = false;
will this work?

Thanks again,

Just out of curiosity, how did you get your little code snippet to format? I've been on boards where you can do things like this:
// some code here
// nice and formatted (courier new 10pt)
sort of a message board markup language
Asp.Net User
Re: Validation Control based on presence of string value9/3/2003 3:32:40 PM


dgItem should be:
9 Items, 1 Pages 1 |< << Go >> >|

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Validation Control based on presence of string value - ASP.NET Forums Validation Control based on presence of string value. Last post 09-03-2003 11:34 AM by justin_dago. 8 replies. Sort Posts: ...
International Collegiate Programming Contest Validator Interface ... If there is no "answer file" to be input to the validator, the contest control system must pass an empty string ("") as the value of this parameter. ...
Base Validator Control Sample The base validator control described here implements the steps described in Developing a .... null) { return value.ToString(); } else { return string. ...
InformIT: Introduction to ASP.NET and Web Forms > Server Controls You access the string value of the control not through the Text property but ... If one of the standard validation controls does not do the job for you, ...
Zend Framework: Documentation The value of this metacommand varies based on whether you have multiple validators in ... By default, when you declare a filter or validator as a string , ... Alex Lowe's ASP.NET Tips and Tricks The add method expects two parameters - key (string) and value(string). ... Example 3: Using a confirmation box and validation controls on the same page ...
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