I'm almost finished with development of my personal website and I'm
ready to find a host. I know it says my location is Germany, but I
will be coming back to the US in the next 2 months. So I'm looking for
a US based host that offers some real disk space. My website has
photos and videos that currently is around 3 GB but I expect to have
over 10 in the next couple years or so. I also have a SQL Server
Database. So maybe I should find an host for 4 or 5GB now and hope that
the host will upgrade their hardware?? I have read other suggestions
on this forum and it seems that no one ever suggest a host with some
real storage. I mean webhost4life offers as their "premium" only 3gb
for $20/month??? is this 2007? So then I look at GoDaddy which everyone
hates and they give you 100GB for 6.99/month and 1and1 give 10GB for
3.99/month or 120GB for 4.99/month. So since I don't want to go to the
darkside, GoDaddy or 1and 1.com, can you guys give me some
suggestions? 10GB and SQL Server isn't that much to ask for is it?
for the help in advance, I really appreciate any advice you might
have! And if you have had a good experience with GoDaddy or 1and1,
let me know and maybe I will change my mind about them.
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