I use Godaddy for all my domain registrations, but I don't use them for webhosting.
The main reason is that I had a client one time, hosting on Godaddy, and when I was working on the site (SQL Server side) I could't use SQLServer tools on my computer to access the SQL Server on Godaddy's site. They wouldn't allow it. At that time, I never used VS.Net to create or change any SQL tables, but I would assume the same would be true in that aspect.
Though this has been over a year, and I don't know if this policy is still in place, it's always been enough for me to steer clear of them as a host. Of course that's not to mention that I have a host I'm perfectly satisfied with, and have been so for several years.
And, also, as you mentioned, if they don't use ASP.Net v3.5, Linq is out for you
David Wier
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