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Item Type: NewsGroup Date Entered: 3/11/2004 3:27:50 AM Date Modified: Subscribers: 0 Subscribe Alert
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Asp.Net User
communication between user controls nested in a user control3/11/2004 3:27:50 AM


trying to do this but not sure if I can .

I want to build one user control that contains 1-10 user controls within. But how can I communicate between children user controls. Maybe I am a little lost without Intellisense. Anyway, if can provide me with a quick example in C# - I would appreciate it. Could I just reference controls individually by their "ID"s ?

Thanks in advance.
2 wrongs don't make a right - but three lefts do
Asp.Net User
Re: communication between user controls nested in a user control3/14/2004 8:02:42 AM


You could do something like this:

foreach (Control c in Parent.Controls) {
if (c is UserControl) {
// communicate


UserControl c = Parent.FindControl("IDofSiblingControl");

-- Justin Lovell
Asp.Net User
Re: communication between user controls nested in a user control3/16/2004 2:33:01 PM


THanks!!! Can you help me with another question on the same topic ( almost ). each of the sibling controls have 3 buttons. but only one control is displayed. When a children control button is clicked it does a postback - which I dont want to do. I Reason because on page load I hide all but one child control andif they are working with anther child control and click a button it will the current child control and move back to the start control. The button just run DB queries and populate fields. I have already set Autopostback to false - what else can I do?
2 wrongs don't make a right - but three lefts do
Asp.Net User
Re: communication between user controls nested in a user control3/16/2004 4:48:54 PM


Sorry but you are ambigious on this line at it throws me off understanding for the rest of the post:

:: I Reason because on page load I hide all but one child control andif they are working with anther child control and click a button it will the current child control and move back to the start control.

The problem I am having is that all of them are controls and when you say "one control" - what is it referring to: the user control or the button? So could you clarify it clearer?
-- Justin Lovell
Asp.Net User
Re: communication between user controls nested in a user control3/16/2004 7:19:45 PM


Sorry - when I say controls I meant User Controls. so basically I have a parent user control - five children user controls and within each 3 buttons server controls. Only one children control is to be visible - the rest on hidden unti l their "Tab" is clicked. Then that one control is visible and the other are hidden.

My problem is if the click on a button on any of other ( but default ) child user controls - it seems to perform a postback and hides all the other ones including the active one - I don't even thyink it performs the function I assigned to the click event.

2 wrongs don't make a right - but three lefts do
Asp.Net User
Re: communication between user controls nested in a user control3/17/2004 1:32:59 PM



1) Are you assigning ID's to the child user controls?
2) How are you putting the other controls to "not visible" (poorly said, I know): are you using the Visible property or someother mechanism?
3) When you do the loading of the controls, do you set everyone's visibility to hidden and then assign the "active" user control?
-- Justin Lovell
Asp.Net User
Re: communication between user controls nested in a user control3/17/2004 10:43:10 PM


Yes, Yes and Yes. Exactly! - problem is not keeping the "active" children user control so "active." So if they are working in any of the child user controls and click a button - it does the intial setup procedure and hides all and activates the default child user control. I want it to not even take a trip to the server ( seems like it is - even though I set all the buttons autopostback to false ).

Oh - each child user control is set inside a table cell- basically I trying to emulate the windows tab control. Maybe there is a better way. when I tab is click the body is displayed and the others are hidden. But again the if you click a button inside the user control - the default tab is activated.

Thanks again

2 wrongs don't make a right - but three lefts do
Asp.Net User
Re: communication between user controls nested in a user control3/18/2004 12:02:51 PM


Ok, there is only one mechanism that you will have to change (the visible part). That is to have another property called "RenderToClient". And you will have to control the rendering a bit. So your code should look something like this:

private bool pRenderToClient = false;

public bool RenderToClient {
get { return pRenderToClient; }
set { pRenderToClient = value; }

protected override void Render(HtmlTextWriter writer) {
if (RenderToClient)

-- Justin Lovell
8 Items, 1 Pages 1 |< << Go >> >|

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