Hmm..tried what u said, still not workin 4 me.
Here is a scenario:
Webpage1.aspx (parent)
html side
function launchCenter() {
window.showModalDialog("VacCheck.aspx","Parameter1","dialogHeight:470px; "+"dialogWidth:650px;"+ "center: Yes; help: No; resizable: Yes; status: No;");
function launchCenter() {
code side for listbox handler
For i As Int16 = 0 To 2
objButton(i) = New ListBox
With objButton(i)
.EnableViewState = True
.AutoPostBack = True
.Visible = False
AddHandler objButton(i).SelectedIndexChanged, AddressOf Button_Clicks
End With
sbScript.Append("<script language=""JavaScript"" type=""text/javascript"">")
Me.RegisterStartupScript("OpenWindowScript", sbScript.ToString())
WebPage2.aspx (child)
on some click event..or form unload whatever
I need to reset the selected index to -1 of an object (objButton(whatever index)) if necessary
I have a session variable passed no problem form parent to child which passes what id the user is selecting.. Now I have even tried your suggestion without a dynamic control/delegate with a plain ol' listbox dragged onto the form and still can't get a reset to the index. Hope you can suggest something here. Hopefully somthin can work also without a refresh.
Thanks so much again for any suggestions!!!!! U rock!
Take care.