I want to get some values from user and want to update the database.
I send user a mail with few questions having a set of options for each of the questions to choose. On click of a button I need to get the option he choosed and then update the database.
Hi hanimv,
Base on my experience, you can do it, but it not easy.
As private opinions, I think the key to solve your problem is how to send email with html(Radio control is an html control), and how to get, read and analyse an email, and get the needed values and store it to database.
To know send eamil with html is easy, you can refer this article: http://www.codeproject.com/KB/IP/Mail_Webpage_with_images.aspx .
But it is hard to solve the second problem!
To sovle the second problem, you'd better use the third party code.
I ever use an open source called "OpenPOP3.net", please checkout this link: http://devgg.com/forums/t/1154.aspx. and see my answer:
OpenPop3.net is an open source, and I have ever use it wrote an email system.
To know more about OpenPop3.net, please checkout this link: http://sourceforge.net/projects/openpop3/
So you can use this open source to analyse mails content, and catch the value, and than store values to database.
Let me know if I have misunderstood what you mean. Thanks.
Hope it helps,
Hong Gang
Hong Gang Chen
Microsoft Online Community Support
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