I found the same problem but something different,
That was..
When Start new Web Project with Default File. I go to the code part that has no NameSpace any where.
But instead of that I found Partial Class Concept in the main Class that was Default.cs file : - Public partial default{.....}
Now VS2005 has Spnipet and Surround Concept I try to add all code in Namespace with Surround concept.
Then after i compile the project that give me error message : -
1) App.default.aspx.GetTypeHashCode() : No Stutable Method Found to override.with app_Web_qjxrz39q.o.cs
2) App.default.aspx.ProcessRequest(System.Web.HttpConcext): No Stutable Method Found to override.with app_Web_qjxrz39q.o.cs
3) App.default.aspx.does not impliment interdface member: System.Web.IHttphandler.IsReusable : app_Web_qjxrz39q.o.cs
Whenever I remove namespace it complile Successfully.
So What would the problem ? for that.
How to Start project with Namespace..in Web Application. in Visual Studio 2005.???
If You have some idea regarding this please post the answer.