Hello sbadriprasad,
Google by ".net 3.5 what's new" to get overview of the all features
smth like this http://aspnet.4guysfromrolla.com/articles/112107-1.aspx and
this http://blogs.msdn.com/trobbins/archive/2007/02/28/microsoft-pre-release-software-visual-studio-code-name-orcas-march-2007-community-technology-preview-ctp.aspx
s> hi,
s> Currently we are using VS2005 and i want work on VS2008, can any one
s> name some features avaliable in the VS2008 that is not in VS2005 so
s> that i can tell my managers to upgrade our environment with the
s> VS2008.
s> can some one list some sites which has the features and usage of
s> VS2008.
s> thank you.
Michael Nemtsev | Microsoft MVP [.NET/C#] |
.Net Tips & Tricks Publication