I'm running VS 2005 from my PC, the application resides on my server
windows XP on my PC, Windows Server 2003 on my .Net server
This is a VB.NET Consoel application. Code can be seen here http:\\www.webfound.net\allcode.txt
ERROR (After start debug):
Microsoft Visual Studio
Visual Studio could not copy a support file to this location:
'Y:\inetpub\wwwroot\apex\ssis\maintenance\hedi\phase2_consoleapp\HEDI2\HEDI2\bin\Debug\HEDI2.vshost.exe'. Please verify the path exists and
is writeable.
I have tried adding permission sets to the Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 Configuration tool on my XP machine (gave File.IO rights) and also checked the NTFS permissions on my server for 'Y:\inetpub\wwwroot\apex\ssis\maintenance\hedi\ and still I can't get around this.
I gave all rights (just to see if it would fix it) for the following groups on the entire \inetpub\wwwroot:
So at this point, whether I've done the right thing, I don't know , it's a stab in the dark with this error unless someone knows how to get past this and tell me what to be looking at. Do I need to look at the Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 Configuration tool again on my machine under administration tools or what here?
C# Web Developer
When is Microsoft going to get rid of VB.NET!