Hi Benson and others,
I hope you can confirm this for me and possibly suggest a workaround. I think the problem I am having checking in a whole folder of files is due to the name of the folder within the web site under VSS 2005. The name of the folder is $Common. The actual file names within are quite various.
Here is what I tried.
I deleted the folder and its contents from the web site. I then recreated the folder and pasted the files into it again. After this worked, I tried to check in again. Same failure (nothing in folder got checked in).
So I deleted it again. This time I added a new folder and called it "Common" rather than "$Common". I pasted my files again and that worked too. Then I tried checkin again and I got a message:
File c:\inetpub\wwwroot\DevMDW\Common\$BuildCountyTable.asp is invalid. Files may not begin with $.
I then noticed there are about 15 files out of about 70 whose names begin with $.
Is there a workaround for this or something I am missing?