Hi Scott,
Strange new info coming up:
I copied all files from the slow-loading project to another location and created by hand in the iis-manager a new webapplication pointing to the new location. Then I opened this existing website in Visual Studio 2005 RC and added two Server Control projects to the new solution (the same as in the old solution). The good news is that this new solution now opens in a mere 8 cpu-seconds which is highly satisfactory! The bad - and very strange news - is that closing this solution takes 4 minutes 11 cpu-seconds for devenv and 1 minute 23 cpu-seconds for inetinfo!!! NB! Closing the original solution takes no time.
I checked in the Metabase.xml the difference between the two webapplications. The striking difference is that the original virtual directory is configured with 50 lines a la:
where <extension> f.ex is .asxp, asax, .config...
all placed under ScriptMaps.
Best regards