Hi there,
Ours is a small development environment and we develop software using VS.NET 2003. We also have apps developed in ASP, ACCESS, VBA. All of these evenetually converted to VS.NET 2005.
While our apps are growing and we felt the need of latest version of VSS to protect our code. For now I am only the guy to take care of the development and deployment (one man army) but in future we might a have need to provide acces to another or more developers.
Now, I need help where we can buy VSS software from and how many user licences we need just for now. To my I think we just need one user licence but not sure we still can upgrade to two or more user down the line paying more for extra licences.
So I need some help in what version Visual Studio 2005 is best for me. Does any version of the Visual Studio 2005 comes along with Visual Source Safe 2005?
These are the different versions I see on line
1).Microsoft? Visual Studio? 2005 Standard Edition --- costs around $299.00
2).Microsoft? Visual Studio? 2005 Professional Edition --- costs around $799.00
3).Microsoft? Visual Studio? 2005 Professional Edition with MSDN? Professional Subscription - costs around $1199.00
4).Microsoft? Visual Studio? 2005 Professional Edition with MSDN? Premium Subscription - costs around $2499.00
Out of all the versions above we would like to buy the version that also include VSS 2005 out of the box. So that we do not have to buy it spending another $400 - $500.
Could some take few minutes to help me understand this.
Thanks in advance,