I'm new to MS Reporting service. I'm working on project that requires me to generate report displaying some information from Car table and with each of the car show the maintenance job done on them and the total cost of all jobs. Report should look something like the following:
Reg# Job Date Cost Total
ABC123 10-Oct-07 120
12-Oct-07 100 220
XYZ980 0
ABB723 10-Oct-07 20
20-Oct-07 100 120
I have parent table having Car's information and child table having Maintenance info along with vehicleID as foreignKey.
The problem is if I use query and make a join then it will omit the 2nd record as no maintenance record exists for that car.
I've read the article on MSDN-> http://msdn2.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms252073(VS.80).aspx
and as well as on code project-> http://www.codeproject.com/useritems/DataGrouping.asp
but don't have any idea how to go about it?
Thank you in advance for helping.