davemkirk: Any advice on where to begin diagnosing this? Should I just reinstall VS?
Hi davemkirk,
In my opinion, it depends on when you find this issue. If you encounter this issue suddenly and it worked well, please try the following steps for troubleshooting:
1. Run Visual Studio in safemode to check if it is caused by add-ins. ?devenv.exe /safemode?.
2. Disable the add-ins via menu item: ?Tools | Add-in Manager?? if the style builder works in safemode.
3. Initialize Visual Studio IDE if no add-in availabe but the style builder works in safemode. ?devenv.exe /resetsettings?, ?devenv.exe /setup?.
4. Switch to Windows safe mode to check if it is caused by third party softwares.
5. Repair Visual Studio via ?Control Panel | Add or Remove Programs?.
However, if this is the newly installed Visual Studio instance, you probably need to reinstall it. Personally I recommend removing current Visual Studio clearly (delete all the related directories and registies) and then install again.
How to remove Visual Studio 2005
Benson Yu
Microsoft Online Community Support
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