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Item Type: NewsGroup Date Entered: 1/7/2008 9:03:09 PM Date Modified: Subscribers: 0 Subscribe Alert
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Asp.Net User
Duplicating HTML when controls are added to page from toolbox1/7/2008 9:03:09 PM


Hi guys, I am having a serious problem with Visual Studio 2005, which have spanned more than one project I have worked on. Because the problem pops up across multiple projects, I am assuming it's a problem with Visual Studio 2005. The problem occurs when I have a page with a lot of controls. After a while, adding a control from the tool box to the form results in that control being duplicated in the HTML source of the page, followed by any HTML that would come after it on the page. When I try to go back to designer view, it tells me that there is already a control with that name and I cannot have two controls with the same name(duh!).

 What's odd is that the duplicate HTML ends up within the <asp:Content> tag, but outside every other tag. It is also usually preceeded by &n_b_s_p or <_b_r_/> HTML tags. This has been happening for over a year. I have formatted and reinstalled Visual Studio since then and the problem still ocurrs. I even installed Visual Studio 2005 Service Pack 1 and the problem is still there. I dunno what to do and it is really getting in the way of my development. I have to resort to hand coding the HTML for any additional controls I want to add to the page.

 I am desperate for a fix. I have placed my HTML code below so you can see that my page is basic and should not be causing Visual Studio to be bugging out like this.


1    <%@ Page Language="VB" MasterPageFile="~/MasterPage.master" AutoEventWireup="false" CodeFile="join_up.aspx.vb" Inherits="join_up" title="Untitled Page" %>
2    <asp:Content ID="Content1" ContentPlaceHolderID="ContentPlaceHolder1" Runat="Server">
4        <asp:Panel ID="BasePanel" runat="server" Width="440px">
6            <ContentTemplate>
7    <asp:Panel id="pnlJoinUp1" runat="server" Width="440px"><TABLE style="WIDTH: 440px" id="Table1" cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width=460 border=0><TBODY><TR><TD style="WIDTH: 441px; HEIGHT: 33px" vAlign=top align=center colSpan=3><FONT face="Arial"><STRONG>Membership Application</STRONG></FONT></TD></TR><TR><TD style="WIDTH: 441px" align=left colSpan=3 height=20><FONT face="Arial" size=2>Global Courier e-shopping online application will take you through a four (4) step process.&nbsp;</FONT><P><SPAN style="FONT-SIZE: 10pt; FONT-FAMILY: Arial">1. <SPAN>Fill in your personal and account login details.</SPAN>&nbsp;<BR />2. <SPAN>Fill in your shipping details.</SPAN> <BR />3. </SPAN><SPAN style="FONT-SIZE: 10pt; FONT-FAMILY: Arial">Pay for your application online through PayPal (Optional).<BR />4. Receive your Membership Card with your GJM-I number (Only for online payments).</SPAN><br /><br /><span style="font-family:Sans-Serif; color:Red; font-weight:bold; font-size:0.75em">Note: You must be 18 years old or over to complete this application.</span></TD></TR><TR><TD style="PADDING-RIGHT: 20px; WIDTH: 441px; TEXT-ALIGN: right" align=left bgColor=#003366 colSpan=3 height=20><STRONG><SPAN style="FONT-SIZE: 10pt; COLOR: #ffffff; FONT-FAMILY: Arial">Step 1</SPAN></STRONG></TD></TR><TR><TD style="WIDTH: 441px; TEXT-ALIGN: justify" align=left bgColor=aliceblue colSpan=3 height=20><FONT face="Arial" size=2>Please provide the following information for the&nbsp;primary&nbsp; holder...</FONT></TD></TR><TR><TD style="WIDTH: 441px" align=left colSpan=3 height=20></TD></TR><TR><TD style="WIDTH: 441px; HEIGHT: 183px" vAlign=top align=left colSpan=3 height=183><asp:Panel id="Panel2" runat="server" Width="440px" Height="210px"><P><asp:Label id="Label1" runat="server" Width="104px" Font-Size="X-Small" Font-Names="Arial">First Name</asp:Label><STRONG><SPAN style="FONT-SIZE: 10pt; FONT-FAMILY: Arial"> </SPAN></STRONG><asp:TextBox id="txtPrimFName" runat="server" Width="184px" BackColor="LightGoldenrodYellow"></asp:TextBox><BR /><asp:Label id="Label2" runat="server" Width="104px" Font-Size="X-Small" Font-Names="Arial">Last Name</asp:Label><STRONG><SPAN style="FONT-SIZE: 10pt; FONT-FAMILY: Arial"> </SPAN></STRONG><asp:TextBox id="txtPrimLName" runat="server" Width="184px" BackColor="LightGoldenrodYellow"></asp:TextBox></P><P><asp:Label id="Label3" runat="server" Width="104px" Font-Size="X-Small" Font-Names="Arial">Street Address</asp:Label><SPAN style="FONT-SIZE: 10pt; FONT-FAMILY: Arial"> </SPAN><asp:TextBox id="txtAddress" runat="server" Width="184px" Height="94px" BackColor="LightGoldenrodYellow" TextMode="MultiLine"></asp:TextBox></P><P><asp:Label id="Label4" runat="server" Width="104px" Font-Size="X-Small" Font-Names="Arial">Company Name</asp:Label> <asp:TextBox id="txtCompanyName" runat="server" Width="184px"></asp:TextBox>&nbsp;<FONT face="Arial" size=2>(If applicable)</FONT></P></asp:Panel> </TD></TR><TR><TD style="WIDTH: 441px; HEIGHT: 18px" vAlign=top align=left colSpan=3 height=18></TD></TR><TR><TD style="TEXT-JUSTIFY: inter-word; VERTICAL-ALIGN: baseline; WIDTH: 441px; TEXT-ALIGN: justify" vAlign=top bgColor=#f0f8ff colSpan=3 height=20><FONT face="Arial" size=2>Please provide the names of those persons authorized to use your account...</FONT></TD></TR><TR><TD style="WIDTH: 441px; HEIGHT: 8px" vAlign=top align=left colSpan=3 height=8></TD></TR><TR><TD style="WIDTH: 441px; HEIGHT: 28px" vAlign=top align=left colSpan=3 height=28><FONT face="Arial" size=2><STRONG>Secondary Account Holder</STRONG></FONT></TD></TR><TR><TD style="WIDTH: 441px; HEIGHT: 60px" vAlign=top align=left colSpan=3 height=60><asp:Panel id="Panel3" runat="server" Width="440px" Height="54px"><P><asp:Label id="Label6" runat="server" Width="104px" Font-Names="Arial" Font-Size="X-Small">First Name</asp:Label> <asp:TextBox id="txtSecFName" runat="server" Width="184px"></asp:TextBox><BR /><asp:Label id="Label5" runat="server" Width="104px" Font-Names="Arial" Font-Size="X-Small">Last Name</asp:Label> <asp:TextBox id="txtSecLName" runat="server" Width="184px"></asp:TextBox></P></asp:Panel> </TD></TR><TR><TD style="WIDTH: 441px; HEIGHT: 28px" vAlign=top align=left colSpan=3 height=28><FONT face="Arial" size=2><STRONG>Tertiary&nbsp;Account Holder</STRONG></FONT></TD></TR><TR><TD style="WIDTH: 441px; HEIGHT: 58px" vAlign=top align=left colSpan=3 height=58><asp:Panel id="Panel4" runat="server" Width="440px" Height="54px"><P><asp:Label id="Label8" runat="server" Width="104px" Font-Names="Arial" Font-Size="X-Small">First Name</asp:Label> <asp:TextBox id="txtTerFName" runat="server" Width="184px"></asp:TextBox><BR /><asp:Label id="Label7" runat="server" Width="104px" Font-Names="Arial" Font-Size="X-Small">Last Name</asp:Label> <asp:TextBox id="txtTerLName" runat="server" Width="184px"></asp:TextBox></P></asp:Panel> </TD></TR><TR><TD style="WIDTH: 441px; HEIGHT: 6px" vAlign=top align=left colSpan=3 height=6></TD></TR><TR><TD style="WIDTH: 441px" vAlign=top align=left bgColor=#f0f8ff colSpan=3 height=20><FONT face="Arial" size=2>Please provide contact details for the primary account holder...</FONT></TD></TR><TR><TD style="WIDTH: 441px; HEIGHT: 13px" vAlign=top align=left colSpan=3 height=13></TD></TR><TR><TD style="WIDTH: 441px; HEIGHT: 197px" vAlign=top align=left colSpan=3 height=197><asp:Panel id="Panel5" runat="server" Width="440px" Height="196px"><P><asp:Label id="Label15" runat="server" Width="104px" Font-Names="Arial" Font-Size="X-Small">Email</asp:Label> <asp:TextBox id="txtEmail" runat="server" Width="184px" BackColor="LightGoldenrodYellow"></asp:TextBox></P><P><span style="font-family:Sans-Serif; font-size:0.7em;">Enter your contact numbers below (Format: area-code + 7 digit number)...</span><br /><br /><asp:Label id="Label9" runat="server" Width="104px" Font-Names="Arial" Font-Size="X-Small">Home</asp:Label> <asp:TextBox id="txtHomeNum" runat="server" Width="184px" MaxLength="10"></asp:TextBox><BR /><asp:Label id="Label10" runat="server" Width="104px" Font-Names="Arial" Font-Size="X-Small">Office</asp:Label> <asp:TextBox id="txtOfficeNum" runat="server" Width="184px" MaxLength="10"></asp:TextBox><BR /><asp:Label id="Label14" runat="server" Width="104px" Font-Names="Arial" Font-Size="X-Small">Fax</asp:Label> <asp:TextBox id="txtFaxNum" runat="server" Width="184px" MaxLength="10"></asp:TextBox><BR /><asp:Label id="Label11" runat="server" Width="104px" Font-Names="Arial" Font-Size="X-Small">Mobile 1</asp:Label> <asp:TextBox id="txtMobile1" runat="server" Width="184px" MaxLength="10"></asp:TextBox><BR /><asp:Label id="Label12" runat="server" Width="104px" Font-Names="Arial" Font-Size="X-Small">Mobile 2</asp:Label> <asp:TextBox id="txtMobile2" runat="server" Width="184px" MaxLength="10"></asp:TextBox><BR /><asp:Label id="Label13" runat="server" Width="104px" Font-Names="Arial" Font-Size="X-Small">Mobile 3</asp:Label> <asp:TextBox id="txtMobile3" runat="server" Width="184px" MaxLength="10"></asp:TextBox></P></asp:Panel>&nbsp; </TD></TR><TR><TD style="WIDTH: 441px; HEIGHT: 19px; BACKGROUND-COLOR: #f0f8ff" vAlign=top align=left colSpan=3><SPAN style="FONT-SIZE: 10pt; FONT-FAMILY: Arial">Please provide&nbsp;your user login&nbsp;details for our website...</SPAN></TD></TR><TR><TD style="WIDTH: 441px; HEIGHT: 19px" vAlign=top align=left colSpan=3></TD></TR><TR><TD style="WIDTH: 441px; HEIGHT: 81px" vAlign=top align=left colSpan=3><asp:Label id="Label16" runat="server" Width="104px" Font-Size="X-Small" Font-Names="Arial">Username</asp:Label>&nbsp;<asp:TextBox id="txtUsername" runat="server" Width="184px" MaxLength="50" BackColor="LightGoldenrodYellow"></asp:TextBox><BR /><asp:Label id="Label17" runat="server" Width="104px" Font-Size="X-Small" Font-Names="Arial">Password</asp:Label>&nbsp;<asp:TextBox id="txtPassword" runat="server" Width="184px" MaxLength="16" BackColor="LightGoldenrodYellow"></asp:TextBox><BR /><asp:Label id="Label18" runat="server" Width="104px" Font-Size="X-Small" Font-Names="Arial">Email</asp:Label>&nbsp;<asp:TextBox id="txtSiteEmail" runat="server" Width="184px" MaxLength="60" BackColor="LightGoldenrodYellow"></asp:TextBox></TD></TR><TR><TD style="WIDTH: 440px; HEIGHT: 10px" vAlign=top align=left colSpan=3 height=197><asp:Panel id="pnlErrorMessage" runat="server" Width="436px" Visible="False" BackColor="#FFC0C0" EnableViewState="False" BorderWidth="2px" BorderStyle="Solid" BorderColor="Red"><asp:Label id="lblErrorMessage" runat="server" Font-Size="0.72em" Font-Names="Sans-Serif" Text="&nbsp;<strong>Please address the following issues to continue...</strong><br /><br />"></asp:Label></asp:Panel></TD></TR><TR><TD style="WIDTH: 441px" vAlign=top align=left bgColor=#003366 colSpan=3 height=20></TD></TR><TR><TD style="WIDTH: 441px; HEIGHT: 13px" vAlign=top align=left colSpan=3 height=13></TD></TR><TR><TD style="WIDTH: 441px; HEIGHT: 7px" vAlign=top align=left colSpan=3 height=7><asp:Panel id="Panel6" runat="server" Width="440px" Height="28px" HorizontalAlign="Center"><asp:Button id="btnContinue1" runat="server" Text="Continue"></asp:Button> <asp:Button id="btnClear1" onclick="btnClear1_Click" runat="server" Text="Clear Form"></asp:Button> </asp:Panel> </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></asp:Panel> <asp:Panel style="LEFT: 0px; POSITION: relative; TOP: 0px" id="pnlJoinUp2" runat="server" Width="440px" Visible="false"><TABLE id="Table2" cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width=440 border=0><TBODY><TR><TD style="WIDTH: 441px; HEIGHT: 33px" vAlign=top align=center colSpan=3><FONT face="Arial"><STRONG>Membership Application</STRONG></FONT></TD></TR><TR><TD style="WIDTH: 441px" align=left colSpan=3 height=20><FONT face="Arial" size=2>Global Courier e-shopping online application will take you through a four (4) step process. <BR /><BR />1. <SPAN>Fill in your personal and account login details.</SPAN>&nbsp;<BR />2. <SPAN>Fill in your shipping details.</SPAN> <BR />3. <SPAN style="FONT-SIZE: 10pt; FONT-FAMILY: Arial">Pay for your application online through PayPal (Optional).<BR />4. Receive your Membership Card with your GJM-I number (Only for online payments).</SPAN></FONT><br /><br /><span style="font-family:Sans-Serif; color:Red; font-weight:bold; font-size:0.75em">Note: You must be 18 years old or over to complete this application.</span><br /></TD></TR><TR><TD style="PADDING-RIGHT: 20px; WIDTH: 441px; TEXT-ALIGN: right" align=left bgColor=#003366 colSpan=3 height=20><FONT face="Arial" color=#ffffff size=2><STRONG>Step 2</STRONG></FONT></TD></TR><TR><TD style="WIDTH: 441px" align=left bgColor=#f0f8ff colSpan=3 height=20><FONT face="Arial" size=2>Please choose the delivery method for your account...</FONT></TD></TR><TR><TD style="WIDTH: 441px" align=left colSpan=3 height=20></TD></TR><TR><TD style="WIDTH: 441px" vAlign=top align=left colSpan=3 height=70><FONT face="Arial" size=2><asp:Panel id="Panel1" runat="server" __designer:wfdid="w101"><FONT face="Arial" size=2><P><asp:RadioButton id="rbHold" runat="server" Text="Hold items at Lady Musgrave Office  " __designer:wfdid="w102" GroupName="Delivery" Checked="True" TextAlign="Left" ForeColor="Black" OnCheckedChanged="rbHold_CheckedChanged" AutoPostBack="True"></asp:RadioButton></P><P><asp:RadioButton id="rbDeliver" runat="server" Text="Deliver items to:    " __designer:wfdid="w103" GroupName="Delivery" TextAlign="Left" OnCheckedChanged="rbDeliver_CheckedChanged" AutoPostBack="True"></asp:RadioButton><STRONG> &nbsp;&nbsp; </STRONG><asp:TextBox id="txtDeliverTo" runat="server" Width="322px" Height="74px" TextMode="MultiLine" __designer:wfdid="w104" ReadOnly="True"></asp:TextBox></P></FONT></asp:Panel> </FONT></TD></TR><TR><TD style="WIDTH: 441px" vAlign=top align=left colSpan=3 height=20></TD></TR><TR><TD style="WIDTH: 441px" vAlign=top align=left bgColor=#f0f8ff colSpan=3 height=20><FONT face="Arial" size=2>Would you like your package to be insured?</FONT></TD></TR><TR><TD style="WIDTH: 441px" vAlign=top align=left colSpan=3 height=20></TD></TR><TR><TD style="WIDTH: 441px; HEIGHT: 20px" vAlign=top align=left colSpan=3><asp:RadioButton id="rbInsureYes" runat="server" Font-Size="Smaller" Font-Names="Arial" Text="Yes" GroupName="Insurance" Checked="True"></asp:RadioButton> &nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp; <asp:RadioButton id="rbInsureNo" runat="server" Font-Size="Smaller" Font-Names="Arial" Text="No" GroupName="Insurance"></asp:RadioButton></TD></TR><TR><TD style="WIDTH: 441px" vAlign=top align=left colSpan=3 height=20></TD></TR><TR><TD style="WIDTH: 441px" vAlign=middle align=left bgColor=#f0f8ff colSpan=3 height=20><FONT face="Arial" size=2>Please read and accept the terms and conditions of membership...</FONT></TD></TR><TR><TD style="WIDTH: 441px" vAlign=top align=left colSpan=3 height=20></TD></TR><TR><TD style="WIDTH: 441px" vAlign=top align=left colSpan=3 height=20><FONT face="Arial" size=2><STRONG>Terms and Conditions of Membership</STRONG></FONT></TD></TR><TR><TD style="WIDTH: 441px" vAlign=top align=left colSpan=3 height=20></TD></TR><TR><TD style="WIDTH: 441px; HEIGHT: 438px" vAlign=top align=left colSpan=3 height=438><P>
8    <asp:Panel id="pnlTerms" runat="server" BorderWidth="1px" BorderStyle="Solid" Font-Size="0.75em" Font-Names="Sans-Serif" Width="430px" Height="300px" HorizontalAlign="Justify" ScrollBars="Auto" BorderColor="LightSteelBlue"><P style="MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt; TEXT-ALIGN: center" align=center><B><U>NOTICE OF TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF FORWARDING </U></B></P><P style="MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt; TEXT-ALIGN: center" align=center><B><U>AGENT GLOBAL COURIER SERVICES LIMITED</U></B></P><P style="MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt; TEXT-ALIGN: justify">&nbsp;</P><P style="MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt; TEXT-ALIGN: justify">&nbsp;</P><P style="MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt; TEXT-ALIGN: justify"><B></B>&nbsp;</P><P style="MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt; TEXT-ALIGN: justify"><B>The parties and interpretation</B></P><P style="MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt; TEXT-ALIGN: justify">Global Courier Services Limited (hereinafter called the ?Company?) is a forwarding agent, and provides the services of a forwarding agent of goods for and on behalf of such persons as the Company may from time to time in its sole absolute discretion accept or decline to accept, retain or terminate as members of the group of persons for whom the Company provides such services while a members of that group. These terms and conditions annul all prior understandings between such the member and the Company. The Company reserves the right to amend or unilaterally change any of the terms and conditions set forth herein and/or in the form for application for membership of the aforesaid group (?Application for Membership Form?), subject to notifying the Sender unless otherwise provided herein and/or in the Application for Membership Form. Unless the context otherwise requires, in this Notice: (a) reference to one gender includes all other genders; (b) reference to the singular includes the plural and vice versa; (c) reference to a statutory provision is a reference to that provision as modified or re-enacted or both from time to time; (d) references to a ?person? shall be construed as a reference to any person, firm, company, corporation, government, state or agency of state or any association or partnership (whether or not having separate legal personality) of one or more of the foregoing; (e) reference to a condition, provision or list is a reference to a condition, provision or list in this Notice; (f) references to this Notice, contract or document shall be construed as references to this Notice, contract or document as from time to time amended, varied or supplemented; (g) reference herein to ?Sender? shall be a reference to a member of the aforesaid group (and unless the context otherwise requires, includes such person(s) as such member may permit to use his account), who sends consignment using the Company?s services as forwarding agent; (h) the headings in this Notice are for convenience only and do not affect its interpretation.</P><P style="MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt; TEXT-ALIGN: justify">&nbsp;</P><P style="MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt; TEXT-ALIGN: justify">&nbsp;</P><P style="MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt; TEXT-ALIGN: justify"><B>Liability</B></P><P style="MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt; TEXT-ALIGN: justify">Goods are only accepted and forwarded by the Company on the following conditions which shall be deemed to be incorporated in any contract made between the Company and persons forwarding goods: </P><P style="MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt; TEXT-ALIGN: justify">&nbsp;</P><P style="MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt 0.25in; TEXT-INDENT: -0.25in; TEXT-ALIGN: justify">1.<SPAN style="FONT: 7pt 'Times New Roman'">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </SPAN>The Company is a forwarding agent and not a carrier, and acts only as agent of the owner of the goods to make arrangements with carriers and to make arrangements so far as are necessary for the intermediate steps between aircraft, ship and rail, the Customs, etcetera. The Company shall only be liable for loss of, or damage to, goods or other loss or damage (actual, contingent, direct, indirect, special, consequential, incidental or otherwise) caused by wilful neglect or default whilst goods are in the actual custody of the Company?s servants and for no other neglect or default or other matter or thing whatsoever, howsoever arising, and only where there has been no contributory negligence on the part of the Sender or person from whom the cargo originated, and such liability is restricted to: </P><P style="MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt; TEXT-ALIGN: justify">&nbsp;</P><P style="MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt 45pt; TEXT-INDENT: -0.25in; TEXT-ALIGN: justify">1.1<SPAN style="FONT: 7pt 'Times New Roman'">&nbsp; </SPAN>where the loss or damage howsoever caused or sustained is in respect of the whole of the consignment to a sum at the rate of <SPAN style="BACKGROUND: yellow">J$100.00</SPAN> per Kilogram on the gross weight of the consignment; </P><P style="MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt 27pt; TEXT-ALIGN: justify">&nbsp;</P><P style="MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt 45pt; TEXT-INDENT: -0.25in; TEXT-ALIGN: justify">1.2<SPAN style="FONT: 7pt 'Times New Roman'">&nbsp; </SPAN>where the loss or damage howsoever caused or sustained is in respect of part of a consignment to the proportion of the sum ascertained in accordance with 1.1 &nbsp;of this condition which the actual value of that part of the consignment bears to the actual value of the whole of the consignment. </P><P style="MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt; TEXT-ALIGN: justify">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </P><P style="MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt; TEXT-ALIGN: justify">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Provided that: </P><P style="MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt 0.25in; TEXT-INDENT: -0.25in; TEXT-ALIGN: justify">&nbsp;</P><P style="MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt 45pt; TEXT-INDENT: -0.25in; TEXT-ALIGN: justify">(a) nothing in this condition shall limit the Company?s liability below the sum of <SPAN style="BACKGROUND: yellow">J$1,000.00</SPAN> in respect of any one consignment; and </P><P style="MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt 45pt; TEXT-INDENT: -0.25in; TEXT-ALIGN: justify">&nbsp;</P><P style="MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt 45pt; TEXT-INDENT: -0.25in; TEXT-ALIGN: justify">(b) the Company shall be entitled to require proof of the value of the whole of the consignment. </P><P style="MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt; TEXT-ALIGN: justify">&nbsp;</P><P style="MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt 0.25in; TEXT-INDENT: -0.25in; TEXT-ALIGN: justify"><SPAN style="COLOR: black">2.<SPAN style="FONT: 7pt 'Times New Roman'">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </SPAN></SPAN>The Company shall not be liable for any consequential loss or damage of any kind or nature whatsoever, howsoever arising from or connected with any consignment.</P><P style="MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt; TEXT-ALIGN: justify"><SPAN style="COLOR: black"></SPAN>&nbsp;</P><P style="MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt 0.25in; TEXT-INDENT: -0.25in; TEXT-ALIGN: justify">3.<SPAN style="FONT: 7pt 'Times New Roman'">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </SPAN>Only one claim may be brought in connection with any one consignment, and any settlement of such claim shall be in full and final settlement of all loss or damage in connection with it. </P><P style="MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt; TEXT-ALIGN: justify"><SPAN style="COLOR: black"></SPAN>&nbsp;</P><P style="MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt 0.25in; TEXT-INDENT: -0.25in; TEXT-ALIGN: justify">4.<SPAN style="FONT: 7pt 'Times New Roman'">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </SPAN>In particular and without lessening the effect of the previous conditions: </P><P style="MARGIN-LEFT: 45pt; TEXT-INDENT: -45pt; TEXT-ALIGN: justify" class="MsoNormal">&nbsp;</P><P style="MARGIN-LEFT: 45pt; TEXT-INDENT: -45pt; TEXT-ALIGN: justify" class="MsoNormal">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; 4.1&nbsp; the Company shall not be responsible for any accident or for any act, neglect or default howsoever arising whether wilful or otherwise on the part of its agents or those with whom it contracts in respect of the goods to be forwarded, whether they are carriers by land, sea or air (whether shipowners, lightermen, canal, railway or aircraft operators or others) or warehouse keepers or other persons. The Company shall not be responsible for any money paid or remitted by it on behalf of the Sender to any person in respect of the goods to be forwarded, whether for the purpose of paying duties or charges in respect of the goods or otherwise. All the general and special exemptions stated in this Notice shall apply although the particular rates or charges made by the Company to the Sender or person forwarding the goods may not be identical with the amounts paid by it to such agents, contractors or other persons;</P><P style="MARGIN-LEFT: 45pt; TEXT-INDENT: -45pt; TEXT-ALIGN: justify" class="MsoNormal">&nbsp;</P><P style="MARGIN-LEFT: 45pt; TEXT-INDENT: -45pt; TEXT-ALIGN: justify" class="MsoNormal">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; 4.2&nbsp; the Company only forwards goods subject to the contracts, terms, conditions and regulations of the various persons, companies or authorities into whose possession the goods may pass and subject to the laws, rules and regulation of all states <SPAN style="COLOR: black">to, from, through, or over which the consignment may be carried;</SPAN></P><P style="MARGIN-LEFT: 45pt; TEXT-INDENT: -45pt; TEXT-ALIGN: justify" class="MsoNormal">&nbsp;</P><P style="MARGIN-LEFT: 39pt; TEXT-INDENT: -0.25in; TEXT-ALIGN: justify" class="MsoNormal">4.3<SPAN style="FONT: 7pt 'Times New Roman'">&nbsp; </SPAN>in no case shall the Company be responsible for any loss or damage arising to the goods where its agents or the carriers or others in whose possession the goods were at the time of such loss or damage occurring are not responsible; </P><P style="MARGIN-LEFT: 21pt; TEXT-ALIGN: justify" class="MsoNormal">&nbsp;</P><P style="MARGIN-LEFT: 39pt; TEXT-INDENT: -0.25in; TEXT-ALIGN: justify" class="MsoNormal">4.4<SPAN style="FONT: 7pt 'Times New Roman'">&nbsp; </SPAN>jewelry, valuables, goods of a fragile nature, such as glass, computers, computer accessories, television sets, and electronic items and equipment, VCRs, DVD players, china, statuary, precious metals or pictures, and goods of a perishable nature, such as plants, foodstuffs or provisions, and special goods such as live animals, are only forwarded at owner?s sole risk. The Company shall not be liable in any way whatsoever for the destruction, loss or damage to any cargo proved to have resulted solely from inherent defect, quality, nature or vice of that cargo. When the Sender?s consignment contains perishable articles, and is delayed in delivery or arrival, or remains unclaimed or refused at place of delivery, after the Sender is notified, or for whatever reason is threatened with deterioration, the Company may immediately take such steps as it may see fit for the protection of itself and other parties and interests, included but not limited to the destruction or abandonment of all or any part of the consignment, the sending of the communications for any instructions at the cost of the Sender, the storage of the consignment or any part thereof at the risk and cost of the Sender, or the disposition of the shipment of any part thereof at public or private sale without notice. Without limiting the foregoing, any perishable goods which are refused by a consignee or which for any reason outside the control of the Company or its servants or agents cannot be delivered to the consignee in due time may be sold without notice to the Sender who shall be liable for any costs or charges incurred in excess of the proceeds if any. Any goods other than perishable goods which are so refused or are unable to be delivered may be sold if the Company shall first have given notice by telephone (including text message) or electronic mail or by post to the Sender at his last known address (the method of communication being in the Company?s absolute discretion) informing him of the inability to deliver the same and requesting the instructions of the Sender as to the disposal of the goods, and if the Company shall not have received such instructions within 24 hours where notice is given by telephone (including text message) or electronic mail, or within 5 days in the case of posting of such notice. The Sender shall be liable for the costs and charges of carrying out such instructions or in a case where the goods are sold under the foregoing power for any costs and charges in excess of the proceeds if any. </P><P style="MARGIN-LEFT: 21pt; TEXT-ALIGN: justify" class="MsoNormal">&nbsp;</P><P style="MARGIN-LEFT: 39pt; TEXT-INDENT: -0.25in; TEXT-ALIGN: justify" class="MsoNormal">4.5<SPAN style="FONT: 7pt 'Times New Roman'">&nbsp; </SPAN>dangerous goods are not accepted for forwarding except by special agreement. Any person who otherwise than in pursuance of such an agreement causes or attempts to cause the Company to receive/forward any such goods will be held fully and solely accountable for all damage arising therefrom whether to the property of the Company or any other goods being forwarded by the Company or to any other property or to any person. Dangerous goods include: explosives; gases (compressed, deeply refrigerated, liquefied or dissolved under pressure); flammable and combustible liquids; flammable solids; substances liable to spontaneous combustion; substances that on contact with water emit flammable gases; oxidizing substances; organic peroxides, poisonous (toxic) and infectious substances; radioactive nuclear substances; corrosives; miscellaneous products, substances or organisms which may reasonably be considered to be dangerous to life, health, property or the environment when handled, offered for transport or transported; goods that are otherwise by their nature or quantity either singly or collectively liable to endanger life or imperil property;</P><P style="MARGIN-LEFT: 21pt; TEXT-ALIGN: justify" class="MsoNormal">&nbsp;</P><P style="MARGIN-LEFT: 39pt; TEXT-INDENT: -0.25in; TEXT-ALIGN: justify" class="MsoNormal">4.6<SPAN style="FONT: 7pt 'Times New Roman'">&nbsp; </SPAN>the Company shall not be liable for any damage, loss, claims, actions, proceedings, suits, causes of action (whether under statute, at law or in equity and including emotional distress), judgments, awards, liabilities, costs and expenses of any nature kind whatsoever (known or unknown, suspected or unsuspected), shortage, deviation, misdelivery, misinformation, <SPAN style="COLOR: black">or failure to provide information in connection with consignment, </SPAN>delay or detention caused by or arising out of circumstances or events outside the control of the Company including acts of God and the Queen?s enemies, ?<SPAN style="COLOR: black">Force Majeure" (including but not limited to terrorist activity, acts of public enemies, strike, lock-outs, industrial action, riot or civil disturbances or commotions, stoppage or restraint of labour from whatever cause whether partial or general, weather events, governmental action, default or failure of a third party, and war), conduct of public agencies/authorities with actual or apparent authority, nature, feature or defect of the package even where the same is known to the Company, any distortion or other damage to or erasure of digital, electronic or photographic images, recordings, information or data, insufficiency or inadequacy of packing</SPAN><SPAN style="FONT-SIZE: 9pt; COLOR: black; FONT-FAMILY: Arial"> </SPAN><SPAN style="COLOR: black">to ensure safe transportation by air, sea and land with ordinary care in handling and not be likely to endanger injure or damage any aircraft or any other vehicle, persons or property, legibly and durably marking and addressing of consignment;</SPAN></P><P style="TEXT-ALIGN: justify" class="MsoNormal">&nbsp;</P><P style="MARGIN-LEFT: 39pt; TEXT-INDENT: -0.25in; TEXT-ALIGN: justify" class="MsoNormal">4.7<SPAN style="FONT: 7pt 'Times New Roman'">&nbsp; </SPAN>without prejudice to any other provision of this Notice, the Company shall not be liable whatsoever for loss from a package or from an unpacked consignment:</P><P style="MARGIN-LEFT: 0.5in; TEXT-INDENT: -0.5in; TEXT-ALIGN: justify" class="MsoNormal">&nbsp;</P><P style="MARGIN-LEFT: 1in; TEXT-INDENT: -1in; TEXT-ALIGN: justify" class="MsoNormal">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; 4.7.1 unless the Sender shall provide the Company with a receipt signed by or for and on behalf of the Company acknowledging actual receipt of the consignment by it or on its behalf at the Company?s warehouse or such warehouse as may be designated for receipt thereof; </P><P style="MARGIN-LEFT: 1in; TEXT-INDENT: -1in; TEXT-ALIGN: justify" class="MsoNormal">&nbsp;</P><P style="MARGIN-LEFT: 1in; TEXT-INDENT: -1in; TEXT-ALIGN: justify" class="MsoNormal">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; 4.7.2 damage, loss, shortage, deviation, misdelivery, misinformation, delay or detention, unless they are advised thereof in writing (otherwise<I> </I>than upon any of the Company?s documents) at the forwarding or delivering station immediately in the case of visible damage ascertainable with reasonable diligence, and in any other case within two days and the claim be made in writing within four days after the termination of transit of the consignment, or the part of the consignment in respect of which the claim arises; and</P><P style="MARGIN-LEFT: 1in; TEXT-INDENT: -1in; TEXT-ALIGN: justify" class="MsoNormal">&nbsp;</P><P style="MARGIN-LEFT: 1in; TEXT-INDENT: -1in; TEXT-ALIGN: justify" class="MsoNormal">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; 4.7.3 for non-delivery of the whole of the consignment or of any separate package forming part of the consignment unless they are advised of the non-delivery in writing (otherwise than upon any of the Company?s documents) at the forwarding or delivering station within seven days and the claim be made in writing within fourteen days after the consignment was handed to the Company by the Sender.</P><P style="MARGIN-LEFT: 0.25in; TEXT-ALIGN: justify" class="MsoNormal">&nbsp;</P><P style="MARGIN-LEFT: 0.25in; TEXT-ALIGN: justify" class="MsoNormal">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Provided that if in any particular case a Sender proves that: </P><P style="MARGIN-LEFT: 0.25in; TEXT-ALIGN: justify" class="MsoNormal">&nbsp;</P><P style="MARGIN-LEFT: 99pt; TEXT-INDENT: -0.25in; TEXT-ALIGN: justify" class="MsoNormal">(a)<SPAN style="FONT: 7pt 'Times New Roman'">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </SPAN>it was not reasonably possible to advise the Company in writing or to make the claim in writing within the aforesaid times; and </P><P style="MARGIN-LEFT: 99pt; TEXT-INDENT: -0.25in; TEXT-ALIGN: justify" class="MsoNormal">(b)<SPAN style="FONT: 7pt 'Times New Roman'">&nbsp;&nbsp; </SPAN>such advice or claim was given or made within a reasonable time, the Company shall not have the benefit of this condition. </P><P style="TEXT-ALIGN: justify" class="MsoNormal">&nbsp;</P><P style="MARGIN-LEFT: 1in; TEXT-INDENT: -1in; TEXT-ALIGN: justify" class="MsoNormal">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Provided also that the Company may not be required to act on any claim unless and until all transportation charges shall have been paid without resort or reference to the amount claimed.</P><P style="MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt; TEXT-ALIGN: justify">&nbsp;</P><P style="MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt; TEXT-ALIGN: justify">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <B>Condition of cargo on delivery</B></P><P style="MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt 0.25in; TEXT-INDENT: -0.25in; TEXT-ALIGN: justify">5.<SPAN style="FONT: 7pt 'Times New Roman'">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </SPAN>Receipt by the person entitled to delivery of the cargo without complaint at the time of delivery, is <I>prima facie</I> evidence that the same had been delivered in good condition and in accordance with this Notice and any contract between the Company and the Sender. </P><P style="MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt; TEXT-ALIGN: justify">&nbsp;</P><P style="MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt 0.25in; TEXT-ALIGN: justify"><B>Right not to act in respect of consignment(s)</B></P><P style="MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt 0.25in; TEXT-INDENT: -0.25in; TEXT-ALIGN: justify">6.<SPAN style="FONT: 7pt 'Times New Roman'">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </SPAN>The Company reserves the right to refuse, in its sole absolute discretion without prior notice to the Sender, to receive or otherwise act as forwarding agent in respect of any consignment or consignments, and shall not be liable in any way whatsoever for any loss or damage whatsoever, howsoever arising out of or resulting from any such refusal. The Company may cancel, terminate or delay the forwarding of any consignment in its sole absolute discretion without prior notice to the Sender, including but not limited to upon refusal by<B> </B>the Sender, after demand by the Company, to pay the charges or the portion thereof demanded without the Company being subject to any liability whatsoever for such cancellation, termination or delay. </P><P style="MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt; TEXT-ALIGN: justify">&nbsp;</P><P style="MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt 0.25in; TEXT-ALIGN: justify"><B>Timetables and schedules</B></P><P style="MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt 0.25in; TEXT-INDENT: -0.25in; TEXT-ALIGN: justify">7.<SPAN style="FONT: 7pt 'Times New Roman'">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </SPAN>Any time specified for the arrival, delivery or pick up of any cargo by the Sender is only approximate, and is subject to change without prior notice. The Company shall not be responsible for errors or omissions either in timetables or other representations of schedules for the arrival or delivery of cargo. No servant, agent or representative of the Company is authorized to bind the Company by any statements or representations of the dates or times of departure, arrival, pick up or delivery of any cargo. Where in the opinion of the Company it may be necessary or desirable to hold any cargo at any place for any purpose, either before, during or after carriage, the Company may, upon giving notice thereof to the Sender, store the shipment for the account and at the risk and expense of the Sender, in any warehouse or other available place, or with the customs authorities; or the Company may arrange delivery of the consignment to another transportation service for onward forwarding to the Sender. The Sender shall indemnify the Company against any expense, costs, loss, damage or risk so incurred. </P><P style="MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt; TEXT-ALIGN: justify">&nbsp;</P><P style="MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt 0.25in; TEXT-ALIGN: justify"><B>Notice of arrival</B></P><P style="MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt 0.25in; TEXT-INDENT: -0.25in; TEXT-ALIGN: justify">8.<SPAN style="FONT: 7pt 'Times New Roman'">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </SPAN>Notice of arrival of the shipment will, in the absence of other instructions, be sent to the Sender, and any other person whom the Company has agreed to notify, as evidenced by the Application for Membership Form; such notice will be made by ordinary methods including telephone call and/or telephone text message, and this provision as to notification is limited to notification of arrival and shall be without prejudice to any other provision herein as to the serving/giving of notices. The Company shall not be liable for non-receipt or delay in receipt of such arrival notice. </P><P style="MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt; TEXT-ALIGN: justify">&nbsp;</P><P style="MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt 0.25in; TEXT-ALIGN: justify"><B>Rates and charges</B></P><P style="MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt 0.25in; TEXT-INDENT: -0.25in; TEXT-ALIGN: justify">9.<SPAN style="FONT: 7pt 'Times New Roman'">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </SPAN>Rates, charges and duties for and connected with the forwarding of goods published by the Company at its offices, on its website or elsewhere, including those payable abroad, are subject to change without prior notice. </P><P style="MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt; TEXT-ALIGN: justify">&nbsp;</P><P style="MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt 0.25in; TEXT-INDENT: -0.25in; TEXT-ALIGN: justify">10.<SPAN style="FONT: 7pt 'Times New Roman'">&nbsp; </SPAN>The rates published by the Company are for the conveyance to all parts of the world of goods consisting of ordinary merchandise. The Sender is responsible for the payment of any increase in rates, freights, premiums or other charges which may be imposed after the commencement of the transit. Works of art and other goods of high value, goods out of all proportion in bulk to their weight such as bicycles, perambulators, feathers bamboo-furniture or hollow glass, and special goods such as live animals, are charged at special rates. Customs duties, local taxes and charges also porterage and local delivery expenses are additional to the rates for carriage unless otherwise stated, and the Sender hereby indemnifies the Company in respect of all of the foregoing amounts.</P><P style="MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt; TEXT-ALIGN: justify">&nbsp;</P><P style="MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt 0.25in; TEXT-INDENT: -0.25in; TEXT-ALIGN: justify">11.<SPAN style="FONT: 7pt 'Times New Roman'">&nbsp; </SPAN>Unless a special agreement is made as to the rate of forwarding the Company shall have the option of charging by value, weight or measurement.</P><P style="MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt; TEXT-ALIGN: justify">&nbsp;</P><P style="MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt 0.25in; TEXT-ALIGN: justify"><B>Declaration and accompanying documents </B></P><P style="MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt 27pt; TEXT-INDENT: -27pt; TEXT-ALIGN: justify">12.<SPAN style="FONT: 7pt 'Times New Roman'">&nbsp; </SPAN>1 The Sender is required to fill up and deliver to the Company or its agents a declaration form showing particulars of goods, values, weights, etc., and undertake to pay all lawful and customary charges in case the consignee should decline to receive the goods or refuse or be unable to pay the charges thereon and to pay all costs, loss of time, expenditures, <SPAN style="COLOR: black">duties, charges, possible surcharges, and assessments, taxes, government penalties and fines, damages or other sums and the Company?s legal expenses and costs connected with and/or arising from any consignment included but not limited to the </SPAN>inclusion in any consignment of articles the carriage of which is prohibited by law, or the illegal, incorrect or insufficient marking, numbering, addressing or packing of packages, or descriptions of the cargo, or the absence, delay or incorrectness of any export or import license, or any other required certificate or document, or any improper customs valuation, or incorrect statement of weight or volume. </P><P style="MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt; TEXT-ALIGN: justify">&nbsp;</P><P style="MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt 27pt; TEXT-INDENT: -27pt; TEXT-ALIGN: justify">12.2 The Sender undertakes to ensure that the cargo is at all times accompanied by all requisite shipping documents, including the relevant sales receipt confirming the cargo?s total cost. The Sender understands and accepts that failure so to do shall result in his sole liability for any assessed value in excess of such cost being assigned by Customs, without prejudice to his obligation to pay all assessed costs and duties determined by Customs in any event.</P><P style="MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt; TEXT-ALIGN: justify">&nbsp;</P><P style="MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt 0.25in; TEXT-ALIGN: justify"><B>Ownership of goods</B></P><P style="MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt 0.25in; TEXT-INDENT: -0.25in; TEXT-ALIGN: justify">13.<SPAN style="FONT: 7pt 'Times New Roman'">&nbsp; </SPAN>The Sender warrants that he is the owners or authorised agents of the owners of the goods and that all particulars filled up in any declaration form are correct. </P><P style="MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt 0.25in; TEXT-ALIGN: justify"><B>Money and negotiable instruments</B></P><P style="MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt 0.25in; TEXT-INDENT: -0.25in; TEXT-ALIGN: justify">14.<SPAN style="FONT: 7pt 'Times New Roman'">&nbsp; </SPAN>The Company does not accept for forwarding any money or negotiable instrument of any kind whatsoever, and where any such item is accepted in error the Company shall not be liable for any damage to or loss of or any damage or loss whatsoever, howsoever caused or resulted in connection with any such item.</P><P style="MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt; TEXT-ALIGN: justify">&nbsp;</P><P style="MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt 0.25in; TEXT-ALIGN: justify"><B>Route and means of transmission</B></P><P style="MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt 0.25in; TEXT-INDENT: -0.25in; TEXT-ALIGN: justify">15.<SPAN style="FONT: 7pt 'Times New Roman'">&nbsp; </SPAN>Subject to any agreement made with or direction given by the Sender, the Company shall be entitled to use its sole absolute discretion as to the route and means of transmission and as to the making of any declaration of value or interest for the purpose of any bill of lading or other purpose.</P><P style="MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt; TEXT-ALIGN: justify">&nbsp;</P><P style="MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt 0.25in; TEXT-ALIGN: justify"><B>Right to lien and retain</B></P><P style="MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt 0.25in; TEXT-INDENT: -0.25in; TEXT-ALIGN: justify">16.<SPAN style="FONT: 7pt 'Times New Roman'">&nbsp; </SPAN>All goods received by the Company or its agents shall be held by<B> </B>them subject to a general lien and right of detention for money due to the Company whether in respect of the forwarding of those or other goods or for other charges or costs payable by the owner of the goods; &nbsp;and, if the general lien is not satisfied within thirty days from the day when the goods are first received, the goods will be sold by auction or otherwise and the proceeds of sale applied to the satisfaction of the lien and expenses, provided that prior to such sale the Company shall have given the Sender notice thereof by hand delivery, prepaid registered post or electronic mail notice thereof to the Sender. However, no such sale shall discharge any liability to pay any deficiencies for which the Sender and/or the Sender?s agent shall remain jointly and severally liable. By the taking of delivery or exercising any other rights arising from this Notice or any contract between the ender and the Company, the Sender agrees to pay such charges, sums and advances except prepaid charges. </P><P style="MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt; TEXT-ALIGN: justify">&nbsp;</P><P style="MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt; TEXT-ALIGN: justify">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <B>Insurance</B></P><P style="MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt 0.25in; TEXT-INDENT: -0.25in; TEXT-ALIGN: justify">17.<SPAN style="FONT: 7pt 'Times New Roman'">&nbsp; </SPAN>If the Sender wishes for any reason, including where he regards as insufficient any or all limits of liability of the Company set forth in this as Notice, the Sender must make a special declaration of value as well as request insurance, or make own insurance arrangements, failing which the Sender assumes all risks of loss or damage in excess of such limits. The Company only effects insurances on the conditions and exceptions agreed by it with the underwriters or Company insuring the risk. In cases where the Company agrees to insure it shall not be bound to effect any separate insurance but may declare the goods upon any open or general policy. The Sender shall have no right of recourse against the Company in respect of any claim under or in connection with any insurance effected by the Company on their behalf.</P><P style="MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt; TEXT-ALIGN: justify">&nbsp;</P><P style="MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt 0.25in; TEXT-ALIGN: justify"><B>No warranties</B></P><P style="MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt 0.25in; TEXT-INDENT: -0.25in; TEXT-ALIGN: justify">18.<SPAN style="FONT: 7pt 'Times New Roman'">&nbsp; </SPAN>The Company gives no warranties, express or implied. </P><P style="MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt; TEXT-ALIGN: justify">&nbsp;</P><P style="MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt 0.25in; TEXT-ALIGN: justify"><B>Right to open and inspect</B></P><P style="MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt 0.25in; TEXT-INDENT: -0.25in; TEXT-ALIGN: justify">19.<SPAN style="FONT: 7pt 'Times New Roman'">&nbsp; </SPAN>The Company may without prior notice the Sender, but is not obligated to, open and inspect any consignment at any time.</P><P style="MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt; TEXT-ALIGN: justify">&nbsp;</P><P style="MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt; TEXT-ALIGN: justify">&nbsp;</P><P style="MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt; TEXT-ALIGN: justify">&nbsp;</P><P style="MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt 0.25in; TEXT-ALIGN: justify"><B>Indemnity</B></P><P style="MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt 0.25in; TEXT-INDENT: -0.25in; TEXT-ALIGN: justify">20.<SPAN style="FONT: 7pt 'Times New Roman'">&nbsp; </SPAN>The Sender agrees to indemnify and hold the Company harmless in respect of any loss or damage, expenses, proceedings, actions, suits and claims arising out of or resulting from the Sender?s breach or alleged breach of any relevant laws, rules and regulations, or for any breach or alleged breach of any of its obligations, warranties or representations set forth herein or in connection herewith or otherwise arising out of or in connection with any consignment.</P><P style="MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt; TEXT-ALIGN: justify">&nbsp;</P><P style="MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt 0.25in; TEXT-ALIGN: justify"><B>Limiting and excluding terms ?agents, etc.</B></P><P style="MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt 0.25in; TEXT-INDENT: -0.25in; TEXT-ALIGN: justify">21.<SPAN style="FONT: 7pt 'Times New Roman'">&nbsp; </SPAN>Whenever the liability of the Company is excluded or limited under this Notice or in any contracts made between the Company and the Sender, such exclusion or limitation shall apply to agents, servants or representatives of the Company. </P><P style="MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt; TEXT-ALIGN: justify">&nbsp;</P><P style="MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt; TEXT-ALIGN: justify">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <B>Waiver</B></P><P style="MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt 0.25in; TEXT-INDENT: -0.25in; TEXT-ALIGN: justify"><SPAN style="TEXT-TRANSFORM: uppercase">22.<SPAN style="FONT: 7pt 'Times New Roman'">&nbsp; </SPAN></SPAN>No failure to exercise and no delay in exercising on the part of the Company, any right power or privilege hereunder or under any contracts made between the Company and the Sender, shall operate as a waiver thereof nor shall any single or partial exercise of any right, power or privilege preclude any other or further exercise thereof or the exercise of any other right, power or privilege.&nbsp; The rights and remedies provided in this Notice are cumulative and not exclusive of any rights or remedies otherwise provided by law.</P><P style="MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt; TEXT-ALIGN: justify"><B><SPAN style="TEXT-TRANSFORM: uppercase">&nbsp; </SPAN></B><SPAN style="TEXT-TRANSFORM: uppercase">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</SPAN></P><P style="MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt; TEXT-ALIGN: justify">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <B>Membership fee non-refundable</B></P><P style="MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt 0.25in; TEXT-INDENT: -0.25in; TEXT-ALIGN: justify">23.<SPAN style="FONT: 7pt 'Times New Roman'">&nbsp; </SPAN>Membership fees shall not be refundable in whole or in part.</P><P style="MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt; TEXT-ALIGN: justify">&nbsp;</P><P style="MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt; TEXT-ALIGN: justify">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <B>Notices</B></P><P style="MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt 0.25in; TEXT-INDENT: -0.25in; TEXT-ALIGN: justify">24.<SPAN style="FONT: 7pt 'Times New Roman'">&nbsp; </SPAN>Any notice required to be given for the purposes of this Notice or any contract between the Company and the Sender, unless otherwise specifically provided for herein, may be given by sending it by pre-paid registered post, electronic mail, or by delivering it by hand at the mailing or electronic mail address, as the case may be, given in his Application for Membership Form or such other mailing or electronic mail address as is notified in accordance with this clause from time to time by the Sender as being its address for the purposes of this clause. Any notice sent by post shall be deemed to have been served 7 days after posting, and it shall be sufficient proof of service to prove that the notice was properly addressed and stamped and put into the post. Any notice sent electronic mail shall be deemed to have been served immediately after its being sent to the electronic mail address given to the Company aforesaid. Any notice delivered by hand shall be deemed to have been served when physically delivered at the relevant address. </P><P style="MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt; TEXT-ALIGN: justify">&nbsp;</P><P style="MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt 0.25in; TEXT-ALIGN: justify"><B>Documents to be read as one</B></P><P style="MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt 0.25in; TEXT-INDENT: -0.25in; TEXT-ALIGN: justify">25.<SPAN style="FONT: 7pt 'Times New Roman'">&nbsp; </SPAN>This Notice shall be read as one with the Application for Membership Form filled up by the Sender and delivered to the Company, and reference herein to ?contract? or ?contracts? shall be deemed to include a reference to such Form.</P><P style="MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt; TEXT-ALIGN: justify">&nbsp;</P><P style="MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt; TEXT-ALIGN: justify">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <B>Severability</B></P><P style="MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt 0.25in; TEXT-INDENT: -0.25in; TEXT-ALIGN: justify">26.<SPAN style="FONT: 7pt 'Times New Roman'">&nbsp; </SPAN>Notwithstanding that any provision of this Notice or any contracts made between the Company and the Sender may prove to be invalid, illegal or unenforceable, such provision shall be treated as severable and the remaining provisions of <SPAN style="COLOR: black">this Notice and such </SPAN>contracts shall continue in full force and effect to the extent that such provisions are not overridden by any applicable m<SPAN style="COLOR: black">andatory law, rule or regulation.</SPAN></P><P style="MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt; TEXT-ALIGN: justify">&nbsp;</P><P style="MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt 0.25in; TEXT-ALIGN: justify"><B>Governing law and jurisdiction</B></P><P style="MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt 0.25in; TEXT-INDENT: -0.25in; TEXT-ALIGN: justify">27.<SPAN style="FONT: 7pt 'Times New Roman'">&nbsp; </SPAN>This Notice and all contracts made between the Company and the Sender shall be governed by <SPAN style="COLOR: black">and construed according to </SPAN>Jamaican Law and the Company and the Sender consent to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Jamaican Courts in all matters regarding the same.</P></asp:Panel>
9    </P><P><asp:CheckBox id="chkConfirmRead" runat="server" Width="440px" Font-Size="X-Small" Font-Names="Arial" Text="I have read, understood and accept the terms and conditions of this contract as well as the rates outlined    " TextAlign="Left"></asp:CheckBox></P><P><asp:CheckBox id="chkDeclareInfoTrue" runat="server" Font-Size="X-Small" Font-Names="Arial" Text="I declare that I am 18 years old/older than 18 years, and the information I have given on this application is true to the best of my knowledge." TextAlign="Left"></asp:CheckBox></P></TD></TR><TR><TD style="WIDTH: 441px; HEIGHT: 19px" colSpan=3><asp:Panel id="pnlErrorMessage2" runat="server" Width="436px" Visible="False" BackColor="#FFC0C0" EnableViewState="False" BorderWidth="2px" BorderStyle="Solid" BorderColor="Red"><asp:Label id="lblErrorMessage2" runat="server" Font-Size="0.72em" Font-Names="Sans-Serif" Text="&nbsp;<strong>Please address the following issues to continue...</strong><br /><br />"></asp:Label></asp:Panel> </TD></TR><TR><TD style="WIDTH: 441px; HEIGHT: 19px; BACKGROUND-COLOR: #003366" colSpan=3></TD></TR><TR><TD style="WIDTH: 441px; HEIGHT: 19px" colSpan=3></TD></TR><TR><TD style="WIDTH: 441px; HEIGHT: 19px" colSpan=3><asp:Panel id="Panel7" runat="server" Width="440px" Height="24px" HorizontalAlign="Center"><asp:Button id="btnContinue2" onclick="btnContinue2_Click" runat="server" Text="Continue"></asp:Button>&nbsp;<asp:Button id="btnClear2" onclick="btnClear2_Click" runat="server" Text="Clear Form"></asp:Button>&nbsp;<asp:Button id="btnBack2" runat="server" Text="<< Back"></asp:Button></asp:Panel> </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></asp:Panel> <asp:Panel id="pnlJoinUp3" visible="false" runat="server" Width="440px"><TABLE style="WIDTH: 440px" cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 border=0><TBODY><TR><TD style="WIDTH: 441px; HEIGHT: 33px" vAlign=top align=center colSpan=3><FONT face="Arial"><STRONG>Membership Application</STRONG></FONT></TD></TR><TR><TD style="WIDTH: 441px" align=left colSpan=3 height=20><FONT face="Arial" size=2>Global Courier e-shopping online application will take you through a four (4) step process.&nbsp;</FONT><P><SPAN style="FONT-SIZE: 10pt; FONT-FAMILY: Arial">1. <SPAN>Fill in your personal and account login details.</SPAN>&nbsp;<BR />2. <SPAN>Fill in your shipping details.</SPAN> <BR />3. </SPAN><SPAN style="FONT-SIZE: 10pt; FONT-FAMILY: Arial">Pay for your application online through PayPal (Optional).<BR />4. Receive your Membership Card with your GJM-I number (Only for online payments).&nbsp;</SPAN><br /></TD></TR><TR><TD style="PADDING-RIGHT: 20px; HEIGHT: 19px; BACKGROUND-COLOR: #003366; TEXT-ALIGN: right" colSpan=2><STRONG><SPAN style="FONT-SIZE: 10pt; COLOR: #ffffff; FONT-FAMILY: Arial">Step 3</SPAN></STRONG></TD></TR><TR><TD style="HEIGHT: 19px; BACKGROUND-COLOR: #f0f8ff" colSpan=2><SPAN style="FONT-SIZE: 10pt; FONT-FAMILY: Arial">Paying via PayPal or Credit Card Instructions...</SPAN></TD></TR><TR><TD colSpan=2>&nbsp;</TD></TR><TR><TD vAlign=top colSpan=2><asp:Panel id="pnlChoice" runat="server" Width="440px" Font-Size="0.75em" Font-Names="Sans-Serif">If you wish to continue with the purchase of your GJMI number, click the Buy Now&nbsp;button&nbsp;below. You will be redirected to our&nbsp;PayPal page where you may choose to pay with your PayPal account or with&nbsp;your Credit Card. Supported Credit Cards include Visa, MasterCard, American Express and Discover. <BR /><BR />After paying, you will be automatically redirected to our site where you will receive a digital copy of your membership card with your corresponding GJMI number. You may print and&nbsp;laminate a copy of your generated mebership card. You may also choose the option to have the membership card be emailed to you.<BR /><BR />You also have the option of choosing to pay later. If you choose to pay later, you must
10           come into our offices to make arrangments for payment; at which time you will be
11           given your GJM number.<br />
12           <br />
13           <br /><STRONG>Purchase Summary:</STRONG><BR /><BR /><TABLE style="WIDTH: 440px" cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 border=0><TBODY><TR><TD style="BORDER-RIGHT: white thin solid; FONT-WEIGHT: bold; BACKGROUND-IMAGE: url(images/site_concept2-sliced_28.gif); WIDTH: 62px; HEIGHT: 19px; TEXT-ALIGN: center">Quantity</TD><TD style="BORDER-RIGHT: white thin solid; FONT-WEIGHT: bold; BACKGROUND-IMAGE: url(images/site_concept2-sliced_28.gif); WIDTH: 271px; HEIGHT: 19px; TEXT-ALIGN: center">Item Description</TD><TD style="FONT-WEIGHT: bold; BACKGROUND-IMAGE: url(images/site_concept2-sliced_28.gif); HEIGHT: 19px; TEXT-ALIGN: center">Price</TD></TR><TR><TD style="WIDTH: 62px; HEIGHT: 19px; TEXT-ALIGN: center">1</TD><TD style="WIDTH: 271px">Global Courier Membership &amp; GJMI Number</TD><TD>JMD<%=ConfigurationManager.AppSettings("gjmijamcost").ToString %>/USD<%= ConfigurationManager.AppSettings("gjmiuscost").ToString %></TD></TR><TR><TD style="FONT-WEIGHT: bold; HEIGHT: 19px; BACKGROUND-COLOR: whitesmoke" colSpan=2>Total</TD><TD style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: whitesmoke; font-weight:bold">JMD<%=ConfigurationManager.AppSettings("gjmijamcost").ToString %>/USD<%= ConfigurationManager.AppSettings("gjmiuscost").ToString %></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE><BR /><STRONG>Options:<BR /><BR /></STRONG><TABLE style="WIDTH: 440px" cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 border=0><TBODY><TR><TD style="BORDER-RIGHT: white thin solid; FONT-WEIGHT: bold; BACKGROUND-IMAGE: url(images/site_concept2-sliced_28.gif); WIDTH: 146px; HEIGHT: 19px; TEXT-ALIGN: center">A</TD><TD style="BORDER-RIGHT: white thin solid; FONT-WEIGHT: bold; BACKGROUND-IMAGE: url(images/site_concept2-sliced_28.gif); WIDTH: 147px; HEIGHT: 19px; TEXT-ALIGN: center">B</TD><TD style="FONT-WEIGHT: bold; BACKGROUND-IMAGE: url(images/site_concept2-sliced_28.gif); WIDTH: 147px; HEIGHT: 19px; TEXT-ALIGN: center">C</TD></TR><TR><TD style="VERTICAL-ALIGN: middle; HEIGHT: 22px; TEXT-ALIGN: center"><asp:ImageButton id="ibtnPayPal" runat="server" ImageUrl="" __designer:wfdid="w3" OnClick="ibtnPayPal_Click"></asp:ImageButton></TD><TD style="HEIGHT: 27px; TEXT-ALIGN: center"><asp:LinkButton id="lbtnPayLater" onclick="lbtnPayLater_Click" runat="server">Pay Later</asp:LinkButton></TD><TD style="HEIGHT: 27px; TEXT-ALIGN: center"><asp:LinkButton id="lbtnEditInfo" onclick="lbtnEditInfo_Click" runat="server" ToolTip="Made a mistake, You can review and edit your information here?">Edit Information</asp:LinkButton></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE><!-- PayPal Logo --><BR /><BR /></asp:Panel> <asp:Panel id="Panel8" runat="server" Width="440px" Height="28px" HorizontalAlign="Center"><asp:Button id="btnBack3" runat="server" Height="24px" Text="<< Back" OnClick="btnBack3_Click"></asp:Button> </asp:Panel></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></asp:Panel> 
14   </ContentTemplate>
18       </asp:Panel>
19       <%--<br />
20       <br />
21       <br />
22       <br />--%>
23   </asp:Content>


Any help will be appreciated. Thanks.


Programmer/Analyst by profession. Aspiring ASP.NET web developer.
Mikhail Arkhipo
Asp.Net User
Re: Duplicating HTML when controls are added to page from toolbox1/8/2008 5:00:10 AM


I could not repro by adding a simple button, but I have noticed that you have <contenttemplate> nested within <asp:panel> which VS 2005 squiggles as flags as invalid HTML. This may cause designer to break preservation of HTML. Is there a reason you want to nest controls this way?



This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no rights.
Asp.Net User
Re: Duplicating HTML when controls are added to page from toolbox1/8/2008 4:25:41 PM


To be honest, I just dragged everything from the toolbar. So what you are seeing is the HTML that my Visual Studio 2005 generated. It confuses even me when I look at it. I am wondering if the compiler is generating invalid HTML, because, I did not add anything via the HTML SOurce editor.

Programmer/Analyst by profession. Aspiring ASP.NET web developer.
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