Hi ali,
Based on my understanding, you have created a website project, now you want to copy the project to another machine and run it on that machine as well. The issue is that you cannot run it.
In my opinion, missing solution is not the problem because Visual Studio will create it automatically when opening the website project. The ?cannot run it? means you don?t know how to open the project (without the *.sln file) by Visual Studio or you don?t know how to make the copyed website project as web appliciton/virtual directory for accessing via IIS. If I have any misunderstanding, please let me know.
For the situation that if you don?t know how to open the web site project without the solution file, Please check the following steps:
1. Open Visual Stduio 2005 IDE.
2. Click menu: File | Open | Web Site? | File System.
3. Select the directory of the copied web site project, and then click the ?Open? button.
4. Visual Studio 2005 will create a solution file for this web site project automatically. Then the project can run without any problem under the build-in ASP.NET Development Server.
For the situation that you don?t know how to open the web site project via IIS, please check the following steps:
1. Open IIS manager (Control Panel | Administrative Tools | Internet Information Services).
2. Create a virtual directory for the copied web project (refer to the link below).
3. Make sure the virtual directory is configured to ASP.NET 2.0 (right click the created virtual directory, and then sleect ?Properties?. Click the ?ASP.NET? tab, ensure the ?ASP.NET version? is set to "2.0.50727?).
4. Open Visual Studio 2005 IDE.
5. Click Menu: File | Open | Web Site? | Local IIS.
6. Select the created virtual directory and then click the ?Open? button.
7. Visual Studio 2005 will create a solution file for this web site project and the project will run with local IIS.
How to: Create and Configure Virtual Directories in IIS 5.0 and 6.0
Benson Yu
Microsoft Online Community Support
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