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Item Type: Date Entered: 7/7/2004 4:15:02 PM Date Modified: Subscribers: 0 Subscribe Alert
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"derek-lakin" <
NewsGroup User
More Multi-blog woes7/7/2004 4:15:02 PM


I have my own dedicated server running Windows 2003 Server (Standard Edition) and MSDE200.
In IIS Manager I have a Web Site setup up which handles multiple subdomains ( and atm) and has the .Text files at that location.
I've got two entries in blog_Config, one for each subdomain because I want to run multiple blogs at multiple subdomains.

I have managed to get it to work as a single blog (that's how it is atm if you visit, but I can't get it to work as a multi-blog. I've tried the HttpHandlers from Multiple1_Web.config and I've tried the HttpHandlers from Multiple2_Web.config (yes I did set ConfigProvider to MultipleBlogConfig), I've tried setting a value for the Application field in blog_Config and having a folder for each of these with a default.aspx in each. I've also tried mapping .* to to the aspnet_isapi.dll as discussed by Scott here: but all to no avail. I either get the first blog with no skin applied whichever I try or I get the aggregate page, but no separate blogs.

1. Which web.config do I need to base mine off for multiple blogs based on separate subdomains?
2. What values do I need for the Application column or any other columns?
3. What other settings (folders, mappings, etc.) do I need to make?
"scottw" <>
NewsGroup User
Re: More Multi-blog woes7/7/2004 5:42:09 PM


First, lets get some clarity.

Do you want: and ?

If so, you want multiple1.config

In the two examples above:
host = application = blog1
host = application = blog2


If you do not map all requests to the aspnet_isapi, you need a folder blog1 and a folder blog2 with an empty default.aspx file.

For the aggregate stuff, see the bottom of:


"derek-lakin" <
NewsGroup User
Re: More Multi-blog woes7/7/2004 5:59:57 PM



Thanks for your reply. What I want is for one blog to be at and for another blog to be at

Can I do that?

I do have another case where I want separate subdomains and /blogX after that, but that's the easier case that you've described requiring multiple1 and request mapping or folders.
"ecthellion" <>
NewsGroup User
Re: More Multi-blog woes7/14/2004 9:27:30 PM


I am also wanting to do the same type of setup... being an aggregate
http://<user> being the individual blogs

can this all be done off of one IIS app using hostheaders? I have tried to do this using multiple1 config, setting up several blogs, and I mapped .* to aspnet_isapi.dll. No matter which domain I go to, I just get the aggregate page.

Watching through profiler it is never running blog_GetConfig against the database, it just runs DNW_HomePageData with the host of whatever value i put in AggregateHost in the web.config.

I tried running it on localhost and stepping through it to see where it is making that decision, but never seem to catch it early enough. I'm guessing that this is what the HttpHandlers in the webconfig are supposed to be handling, but not reallly sure what is going on there.

Can anyone give me some guidance as I'm not really sure where to go from here?
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