I tried to run the routine as the help system suggested with no luck:
There are 2 framework directories. I picked the latest version.
07/27/2003 07:42p <DIR> v1.0.3705
07/27/2003 07:42p <DIR> v1.1.4322
Changed to "v1.1.4322" and ran "aspnet_regiis /i" with the following result:
C:\WINNT\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v1.1.4322>aspnet_regiis /i
Start installing ASP.NET (1.1.4322.0).
Finished installing ASP.NET (1.1.4322.0).
It looks fine, but I still get the message about not having FW 1.1 installed when trying to create any new project on that server from within VS2003 (running on a remote workstation).
This problem happened immediately after installing the IBuySpy Portal, so there is definitely something the install program is loading on the system to create this problem.
Like I mentioned before, I solved the problem by completely uninstalling FW1.1 and reinstalling it which is fine for staging servers, but to have to take down a production server after installing any of these kits, in order that new applications can be created, is a bit extreme.
One thing I should note that may have a reference to this is that, when I installed the kit, I was unable to do a complete automatic install as the SQL server was on a different box.
Anyone else have this problem?