I have a website built in C# & ASPX. I also have this file written in VBScript that I need some of my pages to include. Is that possible or do I have to convert the file from VBScript to C#? If I do have to convert, how can I do that? I tried using that ASP2ASPX tool but it gave me a syntax error in line 45 (I will bold line 45)
The file contains the following code:
'check which xml object is working on the server
Function getXmlPrefix()
Dim prefixes, objXml
prefixes = Array("MSXML2", "Microsoft", "MSXML", "MSXML3")
On Error Resume Next
For i = 0 To UBound(prefixes)
Set objXml = Server.CreateObject (prefixes(i) &".XMLHTTP")
If Not err Then
getXmlPrefix = prefixes(i)
Exit For
End If
End Function
'Make the connection to the systems
Function GetURL(ByRef pStrURL)
Dim ObjSpider
If Trim(pStrURL) = "" Then Exit Function
On Error Resume Next
Set ObjSpider = Server.CreateObject(getXmlPrefix() & ".XMLHTTP")
With ObjSpider
.Open "get", pStrURL, false
GetURL = .responseText
End With
Set ObjSpider = Nothing
If Err Then
GetURL = " "& err.number &": "& Err.Description
Exit Function
End If
End Function
'check whether the web user has inserted the code
Function Getinto(code,pass,phone)
Getinto= GetURL("http://www.billonet.net/ext/ext.php?code=" + code + "pass=" + pass "phone=" + phone )
end Function
'Generate unique code for the web user that contains your user code and extra 3 random numbers
Function Getcode(id)
dim code
code =""
' Generate the code with three random numbers
code= int ((999 * Rnd)+1)
if len(code)<3 then
code=id & "0" & code
code=id & code
end if
Getcode = code
end Function
'Display to the web user the number to call to and the code to insert
Function Showdialog(code)
Showdialog = GetURL("http://www.billonet.net/ext/phonedialog.php?code=" & code)
end Function
Thanks in advance!