It isn?t defined in my stylesheets. It is applied to links in MenuAdapter.vb (or cs) along with other classes that might not be defined:
AspNet-Menu-NonLink (I?m a span ? no <a>)
AspNet-Menu-Template (?)
AspNet-Menu-Selected (I was clicked last - current location)
AspNet-Menu-ChildSelected (one of my children, grandchildren, etc, has been selected)
AspNet-Menu-ParentSelected (my parent, grandparent, etc, has been selected)
AspNet-Menu-WithChildren (I have children, grandchildren, etc)
AspNet-Menu-Leaf (I don?t have any children)
I guess these classes are there to give us more flexibility.
The class ?AspNet-Menu-Hover? is only applied using Javascript to IE6 in ?MenuAdapter.js?.
Paul Weston