On the CssFriendly FormView Example ( http://www.asp.net/cssadapters/whitepaper.aspx#Samples ), where do the .Sample-Name and .Sample-Address come from? I'm reviewing the example and trying to do the same with .MyExample-Name and .MyExample-Address, but I'm unsure where to define them. I guess in the FormViewExample.css I'm not understanding what the #SampleFormView .Sample-Name is doing. I don't see where the #SampleFormView is coming from or doing?
In my ItemTemplate part of the FormView I have:
<div class="MyExample-Info">
<div class="MyExample-Name"><asp:Label ID="MyExampleNameLabel" runat="server"
Text='<%# Bind("MyExampleName") %>' />
<div class="MyExample-Address"><asp:Label ID="MyExampleAddressLabel" runat="server"
Text='<%# Bind("MyExampleAddress") %>' />
If I modify the styles in the .MyExampleFormView .AspNet-FormView-Data the styles change. However, I can't seem to get styles applied to the individual bound fields like in the white page where .Sample-Name of Abraham Bennet is Maroon.
Hope this makes sense and thanks much.