This is quite a recurrent requirement posted on these forums and no workable solution has yet been posted( at least in my knowledge) so i thought of giving it a try. Think i have arrived at a solution:
1) put a hidden field in the .aspx page as:
<asp:HiddenField ID="hdnTreeSelectedNodeValue" runat="server" />
2) code behind should look like:
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (IsPostBack)
//getting the value of the hidden variable that holds the value
//of selected node, this variable is a part of treeview design
string TvSelNodeHdnFldId = TreeView1.ClientID + "_SelectedNode";
string TvSelNodeVal = Request[TvSelNodeHdnFldId].ToString();
if (hdnTreeSelectedNodeValue.Value != "" && (hdnTreeSelectedNodeValue.Value == TvSelNodeVal))
//same treenode click, selectednodechanged event will not fire
//so execute our treenode click handler
//different node click, selectednodechanged event will not fire
//so only set the hidden variable value
hdnTreeSelectedNodeValue.Value = TvSelNodeVal;
//handler for SelectedNodeChanged event
protected void TreeView1_SelectedNodeChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
TreeNodeClickHandler(); //just call the helper function here
//helper function having code to be executed on the click of a treenode
private void TreeNodeClickHandler()
TreeNode selectedNode = TreeView1.SelectedNode;
//play with selected node
TextBox1.Text = selectedNode.Text;
The idea is to have a helper function that would be made to execute on the click of a treenode(whether re-click or not). A couple of hidden fields are put on the page when a tree view is rendered, one of those keep the track of the selected node. I used it(by retrieving its value from the request collection) to check if the an already selected node is clicked or not.
Hope this helps.
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