AnshumanT:What do you mean by the form has to do the postback? Where do I handle tis one.
I mean the Request.Form will not contains any value in the first time the page is loaded !
it contains the values when you change the DropDownList selection ( or press a button ) !
But it seems that its not the problem !
Please in the Defautl.aspx page , you must remove any content that refers to the Master page content that holds the DropDownlist :
what i mean is :
assume you have this in your master :
<asp:ContentPlaceHolder ID="ContentPlaceHolderLanguageSelector" runat="server">
<asp:DropDownList ID="LanguageSelector" runat="server">
Now :in content page (defautl.aspx) , if you have any content control(asp:Content ) that referes to the above "ContentPlaceHolderLanguageSelector" ContentPlaceHolder ,
some thing like this :
<asp:Content ID="Content1" runat="server" ContentPlaceHolderID="ContentPlaceHolderLanguageSelector">
then , you will get nothing for the Language dropDownlist in the Request.Form.. keys ,
so please remove any content that referece to the master page content Placeholder where you placed the DropDwonlist !
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