I have a master page with two drop down lists. After the user makes the two selections, State and City, they select one of two links taking them to one of two pages that use this master page. Is there a way to pass and display both selected values to the content page in its page load?
I have delcared them Public in the master page as shown below:
public string StateAbbrev
{ get
{ return DropDownList1.SelectedValue; }
public string CityName
{ get
{ return DropDownList2.SelectedValue; }
How do I call these two master page string values in the content page? I tried to understand the info on Content.Handler but I am lost. I know the below is way off but it is my starting point:
ResultsOne.apsx Page Load:
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
TextBox7.Text = Convert.ToString(CityName);
TextBox8.Text = Convert.ToString(StateAbbrev);
Thank you,