i have a encrypt and decrypt function which works great but it breaks when i try to put on the master.page and i know that I'm not using that function properly and i need some assistance to come-up with smart Method that it encrypt if need and decrypt if need
QueryString qs = new QueryString();
qs.Add("MenuID", "VBI");
QueryString qsEncrypted = Encryption.EncryptQueryString(qs);Decrypt:
QueryString qs = QueryString.FromCurrent();
string _qsVisitInfoID = qs.ToString(true);
QueryString qsEncrypted = Encryption.DecryptQueryString(qs);
in my Master.Page scenario like when the user clicks on the left navigation i selected page based on click left nav, my question how do i decrypt and encrypt if requried?
//left nav function
PanelItem selectedItem = myPanelBarNav.FindPanelItemById(qsEncryptDecrypt); <<<<<<<<<< i have to know the value otherwise i will get "null" or breakif (selectedItem != null)
selectedItem.Enabled = false;
if (selectedItem.PanelItems.Count > 0)
selectedItem.Expanded = true;
selectedItem.Selected = true;
while (selectedItem.ParentItem is PanelItem)
((PanelItem)selectedItem.ParentItem).Expanded = true;
selectedItem = (PanelItem)selectedItem.ParentItem;
Its all about coding!