Here is my menu code from my Master Page:
@ Master Language="VB" %><!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
script runat="server"></script>
html xmlns="">
head runat="server">
<title>Brookside Homes HomEm8 System by Em8s, LLC</title><link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
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Style="left: 32px; position: absolute; top: 16px; text-transform: none; padding-top: 2px"
Width="105px" />
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OnClientClick="" Style="left: 64px; position: absolute; top: 80px" ToolTip="I have an idea...!"
Width="37px" CommandArgument="" /><asp:LoginStatus ID="LoginStatus1" runat="server" Style="left: 32px; position: absolute;
top: 48px"
Width="144px" LogoutPageUrl="~/index.htm" LogoutText="Logout of HomEm8" />
<asp:Label ID="Label1" runat="server" Style="left: -265px; position: relative; top: 12px"
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td style="width: 175px; height: 550px; font-size: small;" align="left" valign="top"
title="Brookside Homes HomEm8 System by Em8s, LLC" colspan="">
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Font-Names="Arial" Font-Size="Small" ForeColor="#990000" StaticSubMenuIndent="10px"
Style="position: absolute; z-index: 120; left: 8px; top: 144px;" Font-Overline="False"
ItemWrap="False" Width="120px" Height="109px">
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<asp:MenuItem Selectable="False" Text="I want to work on..." Value="I want to work on...">
<asp:MenuItem Text="Customers" Value="Customers">
<asp:MenuItem Text="Add New Customer" Value="Add New Customer"></asp:MenuItem>
<asp:MenuItem Text="Update Customer Info" Value="Update Customer Info"></asp:MenuItem>
<asp:MenuItem Text="Add a New Dream" Value="Add a New Dream"></asp:MenuItem>
<asp:MenuItem Text="Modify Existing Dream" Value="Modify Existing Dream"></asp:MenuItem>
<asp:MenuItem Text="Customer Contacts" Value="Customer Contacts"></asp:MenuItem>
<asp:MenuItem Text="Sites" Value="Sites">
<asp:MenuItem Text="Add or Modify" Value="Add New Site">
<asp:MenuItem Text="Site" Value="Change Site Info"></asp:MenuItem>
<asp:MenuItem Text="Neighborhood" Value="Neighborhood"></asp:MenuItem>
<asp:MenuItem Text="Township" Value="Township"></asp:MenuItem>
<asp:MenuItem Text="County" Value="County"></asp:MenuItem>
<asp:MenuItem Text="Product Warehouse" ToolTip="All Plans and Options are Defined in this area."
Value="Product Warehouse">
<asp:MenuItem NavigateUrl="/Edit_pdPlan.aspx" Text="Plans" ToolTip="Add or Edit Plans"
<asp:MenuItem Text="Plan Types" ToolTip="Add or Modify Plan Types" NavigateUrl="~/HomEm8/Edit_pdPlanType.aspx"
Value="Plan Types"></asp:MenuItem>
<asp:MenuItem NavigateUrl="~/HomEm8/Edit_pdLoca.aspx" Text="Locations" Value="Locations"
ToolTip="Add or Modify Locations"></asp:MenuItem>
<asp:MenuItem Text="Items" ToolTip="Add or Modify Items" Value="Item" Enabled="False">
<asp:MenuItem NavigateUrl="~/HomEm8/Edit_pdItemCtgy.aspx" Text="Item Categories"
ToolTip="Add or Modify Item Categories" Value="Item Categories"></asp:MenuItem>
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My issue is difficult to explain as it is one that occurs only when hovering or "mousing" over the dynamic menu items. When I do so, a portion (the portion adjuacent to the dynamic menu) of the Gridview, etc, whatever is in the content area (in a column on the page adjacent to the column the menu is in) will visually shift or jump maybe 10px to the right when the dynamic menu is active, then return to correct position when not over the dynamic menu.
A different issue but similar, when I choose to edit an item in gridview, as soon as my mouse goes over any field in update mode I get the same grapic shift only it leaves a "ghost" of the button, textbox frame, whatever in the active row of the grid. I will email you a screenshot of it.
Thank you for your help.
Steve Holzer
[email protected]
Why don't computers do what I want them to do instead of....what I tell them to do!?!?!?