I am using TreeView old version (not the one with Visual Studio 2005).
I wanted to make it independent of the way I access the site. Basically no hardcoding.
Here's what I have done. Hopefully this helps with all those image problems in treeview nodes.
No need to install the conrol just unzip it.
Step 1: Created a directory in my project TreeViewContorl.
Step 2: Added Contents of webctrl_client\1_0 to directory TreeViewControl and to my project so it deploys with the project.
Step 3. Also add Microsoft.Web.UI.WebControls.dll to TreeViewControl folder.
Step 3: In Web.config added 2 sections
1) In <configurations> before <system.web>
<section name="MicrosoftWebControls" type="System.Configuration.NameValueSectionHandler, System, Version=1.0.3300.0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089" />
2) At the end after </appsettings> and before </configurations>
<add key="CommonFiles" value="/PharmaDoc.Web/TreeViewControl/" />
Note: Here PharmaDoc.Web is my project name. So I access the application it's like http://localhost/PharmaDoc.Web or http://IPADDRESS/PharmaDoc.Web
Step 4: Reference Microsoft.Web.UI.WebControls.dll in TreeViewControl folder in your project.
Your treeview should work fine. You never have to install the actual control and do all those steps on server.
Just deploy and it works.
Good Luck