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Zone: > NEWSGROUP > Asp.Net Forum > starter_kits_and_source_projects.internet_explorer_web_controls Tags:
Item Type: NewsGroup Date Entered: 4/1/2004 10:29:43 AM Date Modified: Subscribers: 0 Subscribe Alert
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6 Items, 1 Pages 1 |< << Go >> >|
Asp.Net User
SelectedNodeIndex cannot be set to an undisplayed node4/1/2004 10:29:43 AM



I'm using Microsoft Treeview to navigate different intranet-pages.
If user expands an treenode i'm using a client-side script to handle this (to collapse all other nodes). Now I have the following problem:
If the treeview is initialized at the page_load the nodeIndex 0 is selected node.
if i click on this node the treeview expands. Clicking an new node (for example nodeindex 0.2) an error occurs:

"The node at index 0.2 is not currently displayed in the tree. SelectedNodeIndex cannot be set to an undisplayed node (all parents of a selected node must be expanded). "

Is there anyone who can explain what's the reason for the error and how to fix this?

Thanks a lot
Asp.Net User
Re: SelectedNodeIndex cannot be set to an undisplayed node4/1/2004 7:42:03 PM


Would you mind pasting a few lines of script so I can see how you reference the treenodes through the DOM?

Asp.Net User
Re: SelectedNodeIndex cannot be set to an undisplayed node4/1/2004 10:10:12 PM


Never mind, I found some code in another post.

I'm new to the forum, and as I read through the threads I see many recurring issues that have already been addressed.

Asp.Net User
Re: SelectedNodeIndex cannot be set to an undisplayed node4/2/2004 5:19:03 AM


I would be grateful if you could post me the threads you've seen. I've read many threads too, but I didn't found one which describes the same problem (error-message):-)
Asp.Net User
Re: SelectedNodeIndex cannot be set to an undisplayed node4/2/2004 1:54:34 PM



My last post may have given you the wrong impression. Actually, I wanted to do what you are doing, but didn't yet know how. I now know we can gain by looking at the javascript in the htc file. I saw one other thread reporting your error, but I don't recall a solution being posted. However, I did find a nice little routine to expand and collapse SELECTED nodes at this thread and it works fine for my needs.

Good luck.
Asp.Net User
Re: SelectedNodeIndex cannot be set to an undisplayed node4/2/2004 2:23:41 PM


Correction to last post (can we edit posts here?): That routine collapses the previously SELECTED node at the same and lower levels. My implementation required SelectExpands=true. If nodes are expanded apart from selection, they are not collapsed with this code. That's what I wanted.
6 Items, 1 Pages 1 |< << Go >> >|

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