Well, I don't have all your answers, but here's a first approximation of an answer to them...
As for #1) the 10MB limit, that's set per user, under Admin, Edit Users , get to the right Letter Page, select the user you wish to modify this default for, then almost at the bottom of the page you'll find:
Database Quota
User Database Quota:
[10000 ] <=== {And this box changes that limit}
As for #2, I'm still huinting down where they hid the size of that rotator content, and the frames that hold it, but as I suspect you already know, the rotator CONTENT is located at a path that defaults to:
C:\Program Files\ASP.NET Starter Kits\ASP.NET Community Starter Kit (VBVS)\CommunityStarterKit\Advertisements\grannyseggs_banner.gif
I simply built my own replacement .gif of the correct size and changed the references to the default rotaors to my file names over in BannerAds.xml & BoxAds.xml in that same directory.
Me, I'm looking to find the place to affect the Cell Properties , Background Image tag for the frame BEHIND the Ad content, so as to drop a full size banner up there, or as a frame for the rotator content. {Fingers Crossed}
I doubt that quite answers your goal in #2, but it's the best I can for do you so far :(
As for #3, I know I show a breif blurb on this in the Doc, but I've not gotten that far as yet, sorry.
Let me know if you DO find a way to resize or completely remove the Add Rotator chunk. Thanks.
Best of success,
Scott C. Van Sanford
[email protected]
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