Ok, locked and loaded it. Now, here are some suggestions, most of which you probably want and know about, but since you asked
1. Might be nice to be able to use a module options control to allow storage of the module's settings.
2. Modules settings that would complement the operation:
- Number of Items to display
- DateCutoff (don't display items older than this date)
3. Allow syndication.
4. Include the pubDate of the item.
5. Include the author (username) of the item
6. I know that the module title is part of the returned title, due to the implementation requirements for the search, but it would be nice to substring it out, and keep it seperate. Then, you could display an item like say this:
DNN Version v3.0.13 Released
by Diesel 'Dale' Fuego
Published: Mon, 02 May 2005 14:00:00 GMT
The newest version of DNN is available here. Go get it!
Links provided by MyCoolSite.com
7. Might consider using a custom sql procedure to pull the items out, which would free you to use the module settings at your will.
8. Limit the amount of text allowed in the description to maybe 100 or 150 characters. Also, might want to weed out any images from the description if there are any, it makes the display look better IMHO.
Ok, those are some things. I'm actually doing something similar, but I like your idea, keep working on it, we need this type of module, don't we!
Mission, KS - USA