Born today:
"Mailing List Subscriber" Custom Module
(0) Public Description - Shown to briefly describe list (optional)
(0) Private List Name - Used within the subject of the subscription email (required)
(0) Subscribe Email Address - Subscription requests will be sent to this address
(0) Unsubscribe Email Address - Removal requests will be sent to this address
(0) Custom Button Labels - Both buttons can have your own text
(0) Ability to hide\show either button
Built for DNN 2.1.2
Both a PA install and Source are available at:
Settings Described:
(0) Provide a description value (optional) to inform users what your list is all about.
(0) Provide a list name which is discussed in the "How it works" section.
(0) Provide an email address where subscription requests are sent. For typical Listserv servers, this is usually in the form of
[email protected].
(0) Provide the text you'd like shown on your subscription button, I like "Join".
(0) Decide if you want your "Join" button to be visible or not.
(0) Provide an email address where unsubscription requests are sent. For typical Listserv servers, this is usually in the form of
[email protected].
(0) Provide the text you'd like shown on your unsubscribe button, I like "Leave".
(0) Decide if you want your "Leave" button to be visible or not.
How it works:
(0) A user visits your site and decides to join your mailing list. They provide their email address and press the "Join" button or whatever you've labeled it.
(0) The system sends an email to the email address you've designated to receive subscription request. Typically this is a Listserv server. However, if this were a regular user address, they would receive an email with a subject of "Subscription request for [List Name]"; this is where the List Name comes in handy. If you have several of these on your web site or multiple sites, use this private list name to help you keep track.
(0) When a user visits your site and decides they want to leave your mailing list, the steps are pretty much as you'd expect. An email is sent to the address you've designated to receive unsubscribe requests with a subject of "Subscription REMOVAL request for [List Name]".
Mike Bolser