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Item Type: NewsGroup Date Entered: 1/25/2005 4:41:22 PM Date Modified: Subscribers: 0 Subscribe Alert
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Asp.Net User
Bug with Shopping Cart1/25/2005 4:41:22 PM


Noticed a small bug in shopping cart mechanism.

Below is a sample row from CMRC_ShoppingCart database table:

RecordID: 9
CartID: e7e3957d-4154-498a-954b-f602ec3dff0a
Quantity: 1
ProductID: 401
DateCreated: 25/01/2005 11:40:58

If you register as a user and login the shopping CartID GUID gets updated with the CustomerID.

RecordID: 9
CartID: 21
Quantity: 1
ProductID: 401
DateCreated: 25/01/2005 11:40:58

If you click 'Final Checkout' the stored procedure CMRC_ShoppingCartEmpty executes.

CartID = @CartID

There is also a SP that is run nightly by a scheduled SQL job which deletes shopping cart entries that are more than a day old.

DATEDIFF(dd, DateCreated, GetDate()) > 1

** BUG **

User goes through the shopping process and adds items to his cart.
Systems sets CartID equal to GUID.
User signs in.
CartID updated to ID of customer.

User gets as far as 'Final Checkout' stage but decides against it.(CMRC_ShoppingCartEmpty not executed).
User closes browser.

User returns an hour or so later to restart the shopping process. This time he
chooses completely different products and quantities.

When the user logs in his CartID GUID is replaced by his CustomerID.
The items from the session 2hrs earlier are still in the shopping cart - so he see's the items he has just added to his cart and the items from the previous session.

Any suggestions on how to best combat this?
Asp.Net User
Re: Bug with Shopping Cart1/27/2005 7:11:21 PM


Come on guys! Any ideas?
Asp.Net User
Re: Bug with Shopping Cart3/10/2005 7:46:50 PM


Don't know if this will answer your problem, but it worked for me on my system that works similar to the commerce starter kit.

I dont use the migrate cart functionality once the user logs in. I simply take their customerID from the login and store it in the order that is being created so that the order is tied to the customer, but their cart is still under their unauthenticated CartID (GUID).

Then, when they finally place their order, i copy the items from their cart to their order. This way, even if they quit right up to the second when they hit place order, its still in the cart that they will see when they come back to the site later.

If they come back on another computer, they will be given a new GUID in the new cookie and their items they put in their cart rom the other computer will simply be removed when the job runs nightly.

Make sense? Help any?
Asp.Net User
Re: Bug with Shopping Cart3/11/2005 6:50:56 AM


>>I dont use the migrate cart functionality once the user logs in. I simply take their customerID >>from the login and store it in the order that is being created so that the order is tied to the >>customer, but their cart is still under their unauthenticated CartID (GUID).

Can you explain how you did that?

[email protected].
Asp.Net User
Re: Bug with Shopping Cart3/17/2005 3:55:22 AM


Hi dlink22,

Did you resolve the problem for the shopping cart, i am also using the commerce project, so does this mean that everyone is having the same problem with the shopping cart.??

Do i need to do somthing to the SQL Table structure to fix??

Asp.Net User
Re: Bug with Shopping Cart9/20/2005 1:26:58 AM


Fix: Modify ShoppingCartDB.cs
 public String GetShoppingCartId() {

            // Obtain current HttpContext of ASP+ Request
            System.Web.HttpContext context = System.Web.HttpContext.Current;

            // If the user is authenticated, use their customerId as a permanent shopping cart id
   //         if (context.User.Identity.Name != "") {
     //           return context.User.Identity.Name;
     //       }

            // If user is not authenticated, either fetch (or issue) a new temporary cartID
            if (context.Request.Cookies["ASPNETCommerce_CartID"] != null) {
                return context.Request.Cookies["ASPNETCommerce_CartID"].Value;
            else {
                // Generate a new random GUID using System.Guid Class
                Guid tempCartId = Guid.NewGuid();

                // Send tempCartId back to client as a cookie
                context.Response.Cookies["ASPNETCommerce_CartID"].Value = tempCartId.ToString();

                // Return tempCartId
                return tempCartId.ToString();


By commenting out
  if (context.User.Identity.Name != "") {
          return context.User.Identity.Name;
you rely only on the GUID - either fetch (or issue) a new temporary cartID.
Otherwise it returns the current user ID number. Which will have stored previous cart entries if the user did not
checkout on that previous visit.
[email protected].
Asp.Net User
Re: Bug with Shopping Cart9/20/2005 1:56:35 AM


Hi dlink22,


So if i just implement the above code, when the user closes the window does the cart empty itself out???

Does this now mean the shopping cart is ready to produce, once i build??

Thank you

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