Hi, I guess this really depends on how many more fields you want to store. I configure additional fields in the aspnetdb by configuring profile properties in the webconfig file. E.g.
<add name="FirstName" />
<add name="LastName" />
<add name="Address1" />
<add name="Address2" />
<add name="Address3" />
<add name="TownCity" />
<add name="County" />
<add name="PostCode" />
<add name="PhoneNumber" />
Then create a sub procedure that writes textbox input to the profile properties, which wll be stored in the membership database aspnet_profile table for the logged in user. E.g.
Protected Sub BtnSaveDetails1_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles BtnSaveDetails.Click
'Add all the personal information to the members profile database table
Profile.FirstName = Trim(txtFirstName.Text)
Profile.LastName = Trim(txtLastName.Text)
Profile.Address1 = Trim(txtAddress1.Text)
Profile.Address2 = Trim(txtAddress2.Text)
Profile.Address3 = Trim(txtAddress3.Text)
Profile.TownCity = Trim(txtTownCity.Text)
Profile.County = Trim(txtCounty.Text)
Profile.PostCode = Trim(txtPostCode.Text)
Profile.PhoneNumber = Trim(txtPhone.Text)
End Sub
If you have lots of additional fields, say 50 or more, then i'd set up a new table in the aspnetdb with a relationship between the aspnet_Membership table 'UserId' field (users uniqueidentifier) and a foreign key Field 'UserId' within the new table which wil also hold the additional fields.
Hope this helps.
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