Hi again,
I finally got this working. There is a fault in the WebControlAdapterExtender. I changed the RaiseAdaptedEvent to:
Public Sub RaiseAdaptedEvent(ByVal eventName As String, ByVal e As EventArgs)
Dim attr As String = "OnAdapted" + eventName
If ((Not IsNothing(AdaptedControl)) AndAlso _
(Not String.IsNullOrEmpty(AdaptedControl.Attributes(attr)))) Then
Dim delegateName As String = AdaptedControl.Attributes(attr)
Dim methodOwner As Control = AdaptedControl.Parent
Dim method As MethodInfo = Nothing
While (IsNothing(method))
method = methodOwner.GetType().GetMethod(delegateName)
If (IsNothing(method)) Then
methodOwner = methodOwner.Parent
End If
End While
If (Not IsNothing(method)) Then
Dim args() As Object = New Object(1) {}
args(0) = AdaptedControl
args(1) = e
method.Invoke(methodOwner, args)
End If
End If
End Sub
I am still having a problem getting it to work the way I would like. The selected node style is not being applied. It's maintaining viewstate and expanding/collapsing as it should but the style is not being applied.
Thanks for any help you can provide!