Hi all,
I am currently writing a basic order management system for our company. i have added a sitemappath with my sitemap and it pics up all my pages correctly. What i want is to send information backwards and frowards using this control. for example: when you are on the preview.aspx pages and move to the sales person page i pass the order number through so when you select a new sales person for instance it is associated with that specific order. What currently happens is the user will change the sales person and click save and then if the update was successfull i will response.redirect("Preview.aspx?orderNo=" + hidOrderNo.value) the user back to the summary page. I also what to be able to do this with a site map.
If no changes have been made in the sales person page then the user can clicks on the sitemappath and it will send the ordernumber back to my preview.aspx page so that specific order can be viewed again.
Any suggestions?