Thanks for the plug Josh, and for the assistance with getting it to work under 1.0
We are now into the third beta release, and is nearing feature complete - it's turning into quite the package, the boss in me has to tell the developer in me to stop adding things to it soon ;)
The current beta of E-Mail Campaign Manager 1.0.0.c supports:
- Full Optin verification and audit with customized verification, and welcome email.
- E-Mail Optin modules for simple mailing list addon's, guestbook and feedback forms.
- Optout and email blacklist control
- Historical tracking of prior campaigns, including who has read / been sent the campaign email.
- User selection by portal (if host), role, bulk entry of email addresses, optin mailing list - and every and any combination of the above (automatic filtering of duplicate email addresses)
- Keyword replacement for user's name, email address, city, country, plus portal's title.
- definable use of desktopdefault.aspx for redirection for those admins that have changed the name of desktopdefault.aspx
- ability to choose from custom / standard email footers for common disclaimers and optout information to save retyping.
- ability to resend a campaign and/or modify and resend a campaign to potentially different users.
- read verification via multiple schemes including embeddable iframe and image redirection and the ability to have the email dynamically rendered by the server from a link back.
- full multithreaded batch email send, plus restartable email queues - will easily handle a complete server shutdown and restart. We have successfully tested this at a rate of 800 sent emails per minute.
Portal Store, Advanced Email Manager, SiteTrack, Support Desk and many other modules for your DNN platform.